December 17th - Coordinators

Agenda 12172020.pdf



Please complete Step 1 & Step 2 prior to the start of our Zoom meeting at 6:00.

Step 1: Sharing Your Work

Please create a slide in the linked Google Slide deck to represent a piece of your Racial & Cultural autobiography. Your slide could show

  • images that can stand alone

  • images with a few sentences of explanation

  • a map of your experiences

  • a direct excerpt of your writing

  • a link to your full essay

If you decide to share, what you decide to share, and how you decide to share it will be up to you.

Racial & Cultural Autobiorgraphy

Step 2: Test of Change Reflection

The purpose of this task is to surface where your team is in the improvement process and to share successes and challenges. This is also an opportunity to get some advice or feedback from other coordinators in our network. Please take some time to complete a quick write in response to the below questions. Middle school coordinators, you may choose to write about 6 & 7 or 8th or both:

  • What is the test of change that your school is working on?

  • If you haven't started a test of change, what do you see as barriers preventing work on a test of change?

  • What has been successful with the test of change?

  • What challenges are your facing with the test of change?

  • How are you using student data to measure success?

  • What are your next steps?

When you are ready, please add your test of change reflection to the Google Slide with your school name. You might also choose to add links to documents or images to help us better understand what your team is working on.


Please be sure to sign-in

Materials for Our Guided Work

CTS-Sample Exit Ticket Report.pdf

Sample Exit Ticket Report

Reflecting on Racial & Cultural Autobiography Work

Individual Work

Please take about 10 minutes to write in response to the following questions. You'll be sharing your responses in your small group:

  1. When you started thinking about your background to write your autobiography, what were the first things you thought about when it came to how you have come to understand race, ethnicity and culture?

  2. What experience(s) in your life made race and racism a reality for you? How does race and racism relate to your culture?

  3. How have race, racism, and culture impacted your lived experiences as they relate to your educational and professional decisions as well as your social life?

Break Out Room Work

Please take about 20 minutes in your break out room to discuss your responses to the above reflection questions. Once everyone has had an opportunity to share, please discuss the following:

  • How have your lived experiences, particularly as they relate to race, racism, and culture, influenced your interactions in your school and classroom?

Please be prepared to share your thinking with the group during our whole group discussion.

Bridge to Practice

December 17th Bridge to Practice

For your Bridge to Practice we'd like you to continue working with your teams on tests of change (the Bridge to Practices you received on November 19th). In addition, we'd like you to have a restful holiday break!

Exit Ticket