Important info

On this page you'll learn about the time commitment you are making by enrolling in an online 14-week college-level Discrete Mathematics class. You'll also learn about our class attendance policy, accomodations for disabled students, and the dates for adding, dropping, and withdrawing from this class.

woman studying at table
students studying together in the library - one is in a wheel-chair

  time commitment

O.K. Let's do a little arithmetic and calculate the amount of time we should expect to spend on this class each week.

This is an online 3-unit Math 245 class. During a 16-week semester, students in an equivalent face-to-face Math 245 class spend 3 hours attending class and an expected average of 6 hours studying outside of class each week. That's a time commitment of 9 hours per week for 16 weeks. Multiplying 9 by 16 gives us a total of 144 hours. So, on average, it takes approximately 144 hours to successfully complete Math 245. Since we need to complete this 144-hour class in 14 weeks, we divide 144 hours by 14 weeks to get approximately 10 hours per week. So on average, students will need to commit at least 10 hours per week to successfully complete this short-term online class.

This amount of time may seem like a lot of work for some of you. If so, please know that you will not be alone. I'm here to support you, and I'm sure your classmates will be supportive as well. Furthermore, the College provides technical, learning, and student support to help minimize frustration (for more information, see the Technical Help, Canvas Support, & Tutoring page and the Student Services & More page in the Orientation & Tools for Success module of our course on Canvas).

three students walking side-by-side through the student-center - all are looking at their electronic devices

important dates

Our class starts on Monday, February 12th, and the final exam is due on the last day of class, Saturday, May 25th at 3:00 pm.

Martin Luther King Day: January 15th
Lincoln's Birthday: February 16th & 17th
Washington's Birthday: February 19th
Spring Break: March 25th - 30th

Since we cover a lot of material during the first week, I do not add students after the first day of class (even if there is room in the class). The last day to drop this class and receive a refund (if applicable) is February 23rd. The last day to drop without a W appearing on your transcript is March 2nd. The last day to drop is April 29th. The last day to apply for a Pass/No Pass grade is typically the last day of class, (but talk to a counselor before doing so as transfer institutions may or may not accept a Pass grade in this class). Your final overall grade will be available on or before May 30th.

older ethnic woman in cap and gown being congratulated by two younger women


Accommodations are available to students with disabilities. If you suspect that you have a learning disability or any other type of disability, please contact the DSPS office. DSPS students who need an academic accommodation or who may need evacuation assistance during a campus emergency should notify me within the first week of instruction. 

attendance policy

Implicit Attendance Policy

First, please know that I prefer to keep students in my class. I do not want to drop even one student! So if you fall behind, please contact me as soon as possible. We'll work together to get you caught up. 

Explicit Attendance Policy

In this class we function as a team – learning together and providing constructive and instructive feedback to one another. As a result, you could negatively impact your classmates’ grades if you disappear and do not participate in the peer-reviewed assignments in a timely manner. So if you disappear and have not contacted me to set up a plan for getting caught up, you may be dropped from this class for one or more of the following reasons.

Hold on! Does this mean you could suddenly be dropped from the class without warning? Absolutely not! To help you keep up with the work, I will check in with you and, if necessary, send gentle reminders when you seem to be falling behind. I want to support your success! I do not want to drop you. So be sure to check in with me and let me know if you are experiencing difficulties outside of class. We can do this if we work together!