Niche Academy

Niche Academy

Need help navigating Marigold resources? Niche Academy has tutorials on most of the eResources Marigold has to offer. 

Out of all Marigold resources, Niche Academy might be one of the most important. While your learning commons facilitator will always be happy to answer any questions you may have, that only helps during school hours. Niche Academy has tutorials for most of Marigold's eresources as well as common apps and sites available at all hours. 

Niche Academy uses video tutorials, but it also uses closed captions and transcripts (with screenshots and text) as well.

Niche Academy home page with 30 tutorials currently available.  

You can filter through the different resources by using the 3 lines in the top right corner of the screen.   

Intro page to hoopla's tutorial on Niche Academy. If a resource is available on multiple different platforms, Niche will have a tutorial for each.   

Tutorial for Apple iOS for hoopla. Not only is a video available, but a full video transcript is available with screenshots included.