Discover You

It's time to live your most unapologetic, abundant, fully embodied life!

What is Discover You?

Discover You is my signature 1:1 coaching & mentorship program inspired by my own journey. I spent most of my life chasing happiness. Fighting for happiness. I had temporary moments of happiness and fulfillment and success, but it was only fleeting. Before I knew it, I would go back to feeling stuck, unfulfilled, anxious, and just returning back to auto pilot. 

What I realized what was missing, was a relationship and connection to myself. I was constantly looking outside of myself for the answers. Seeking for happiness externally, but I had the answers all along. Understanding myself, my limiting beliefs, and my experiences that got me to this point were key! Creating a relationship with myself and more importantly, my body were all the things I focused on to create a life that felt like mine. A life where I show up unapologetically as myself! When we discover who we are and embody that, the success, the abundance, the aligned relationships, and the fulfillment naturally follow. 

We are all unique individuals. With unique biology, experiences, and beliefs that make up our own world and that is why I take a very individualized approach to my coaching. I will teach you how to be more present, heal your relationship with all the parts of yourself, find safety in your body, breakthrough limiting beliefs so you can show up as yourself, for yourself, and for your dreams!

You deserve to live FULLY. You deserve to meet the truest version of yourself. The world needs your gifts. The world needs your light and authenticity & SO DO YOU! No more sleeping on yourself & your life. It's time to express and embody all that you are!

What's Included?

My 1:1 programs are very individualized and hands on! I will be with you every step of the way to help you discover you!

I use modalities like somatic healing/nervous system regulation, stillness, nlp, shadow work, and more to help my clients get transformative results!

I have a three and six month coaching program you can choose from! Check them out below!

3 Month Program

INVESTMENT - $2222 (Payment plans available)

6 Month Program

INVESTMENT - $4444 (Payment plans available)

Book your Connection Call  today to learn more & officially apply - spots are limited!