Table 2 gives an overview of the key RAR metrics that have been derived from actigraphy recordings in psychiatry (definitions and descriptions of each metric are provided in Table 3 in Appendix) (Calogiuri et al. 2013; Ancoli-Israel et al. 2003). As shown, investigators have focused on different rhythmometric procedures, which need to be considered when interpreting the map. For instance, early studies were likely to report parametric statistics (especially in the USA) (Nelson et al. 1979). Three variables (mesor, acrophase and amplitude) were estimated using cosinor methods (with the p value signifying the probability that the data really show circadian periodicity), whilst more recently these metrics have been derived using regression techniques (which report similar variables but assume more complex patterns and rhythms and are more robust for larger study populations) (Fernandez and Hermida 1998). Non-parametric methods report a wider range of variables to describe the quantity and timing of activity and rest, and especially provide insights into variability/stability of rhythms and any RAR disruptions (Calogiuri et al. 2013; Natale et al. 2009). They are often preferred to parametric models and it is argued that non-parametric models better represent the complexity of RAR than cosinor models (van Someren et al. 1997). Variables derived from basic sleep analysis (such as total sleep time: TST) are probably the most widely reported measures in research in BD. One reason for this is that these sleep quantity are much easier to estimate from raw data (and do not rely on more complex algorithms). Sleep variables are useful for estimating duration and fragmentation of sleep patterns but are less reflective of circadian rhythmicity. Estimation of variability in values for each sleep parameter is encouraged in contemporary literature on RAR and greater reporting of sleep onset/offset/midpoint or sleep regularity index has been employed to give a greater insight into rhythmometrics (Bei et al. 2016).

Integrating ChIP-Seq data from multiple biological replicates, which in some cases are generated by different laboratories and/or using different platforms, may be employed to reduce the false positive rate in identified binding sites. A simple approach is to define a stringent set of peaks composed only of the common peaks shared by two or more replicates. However, this method is highly sensitive to peak cutoff and may exclude peaks that have similar ChIP intensities between replicates. Moreover, some common peaks that show dramatic differences in read density are retained. Therefore, to make full use of the information in biological replicates, a quantitative comparison of peak intensity is particularly useful. We have applied MAnorm to compare two replicates of H1 ES cell H3K27ac ChIP-Seq data. After application of MAnorm (Supplementary Figure 7a, b in Additional file 2), many of the unique peaks were associated with M values close to zero, indicating that these peaks exhibit good reproducibility between replicates. On the other hand, there remained a small fraction of common peaks with M values far from zero, representing strong signal differences between replicates. Next, we showed that the M value between replicates is a good indicator of H3K27ac target gene expression. We grouped H3K27ac target genes by the absolute value of M statistics and calculated the expression distribution of each gene group. Given that H3K27ac marks are positively associated with gene expression, we anticipated that more highly expressed genes will have stronger H3K27ac marks, and therefore be more reliable. In fact, we observed that genes having higher expression tend to be the targets of H3K27ac peaks with lower absolute M values, that is, peaks showing smaller difference between replicates, for both common peaks and unique peaks (Supplementary Figure 7c-e in Additional file 2). Furthermore, by overlapping the above set of ENCODE peaks with H3K27ac peaks for H1 ES cells generated in a different laboratory [19], we found that a much lower proportion of the peaks with |M| > 1 were covered by the new peak set than those with |M| < 1 (Supplementary Figure 7f in Additional file 2). This suggests that |M| = 1 can also be used as an empirical cutoff to filter unreliable peaks. Thus, MAnorm can be used both to check whether two replicates are concordant, and also to obtain high confidence peak lists by filtering out inconsistent peaks. Compared with arbitrary removal of unique peaks, MAnorm allows for better use of replicate peak data. The MAnorm package (Additional file 1) provides the opportunity to list concordant and non-concordant peaks between two samples based on user-specified cutoffs, with the concordant peak list corresponding to high-confidence peaks.

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Before we look at the Pearson correlations, we should look at the scatterplots of our variables to get an idea of what to expect. In particular, we need to determine if it's reasonable to assume that our variables have linear relationships. PROC CORR automatically includes descriptive statistics (including mean, standard deviation, minimum, and maximum) for the input variables, and can optionally create scatterplots and/or scatterplot matrices. (Note that the plots require the ODS graphics system. If you are using SAS 9.3 or later, ODS is turned on by default.)

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