Board of Trustees Duties and Responsibilities

Alhambra Historical Society Bylaws

Article IV - Officers

Section 1

The officers of the Society, all of whom must be Society members, shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Immediate Past President, and four Trustees. All officers, except the Immediate Past President, shall be elected annually. All officers shall serve until successors are elected and take office. No member shall hold two offices concurrently.

Section 2

The officers elected by the Society for the ensuing year shall be installed at the Annual Meeting in May and shall assume their duties effective July 1.

Section 3

All officers shall serve no more than two consecutive terms in any given office. Those in office at the time of the approval of this addition to the bylaws are exempt from this section.

Section 4

A vacancy in the office of President shall be filled for the unexpired term by automatic succession of the Vice President.

Section 5

Vacancies in offices other than President shall be filled for the unexpired term by the Board of Trustees.

Section 6

An officer who shall have served more than half of the term in office shall be deemed to have served a full term.

Article V – Duties of the Officers

Section 1 - President

The President shall:

1. Preside at all meetings of the Society and of the Board of Trustees;

2. Supervise the work of the officers of the Society;

3. Sign all official communications of the Society, except as such responsibility is delegated;

4. Countersign Society checks as directed by the Board of Trustees or the Society membership;

5. Present an annual report at the May Annual Meeting;

6. Serve as an ex-officio member of all standing and special committees except nominating and audit;

7. Perform such other duties as are customary.

Section 2 – Vice President

The Vice President shall:

1. Act for the President in his/her absence;

2. Serve as Chairperson of the Programs Committee

3. Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the President or the Board of Trustees.

Section 3 - Secretary

The Secretary shall:

1. Take and keep minutes of the Society and the Board of Trustees, sending a draft copy to the President within 15 days;

2. Execute promptly all communications of the Society as directed;

3. Perform such other duties as assigned.

Section 4 - Treasurer

The Treasurer shall:

1. Receive and deposit all Society funds in the name of the Society in the bank(s) approved by the Board of Trustees;

2. Pay promptly all items previously budgeted and bills for unbudgeted items as approved;

3. Serve as Chair of the Finance Committee;

4. Sign checks for disbursement of funds of the Society;

5. Keep a balance sheet;

6. Report delinquent membership duties to the Membership Committee Chair;

7. Deliver a report of the financial status of the Society at each meeting;

8. Submit end-of-term report to Audit Committee;

9. Perform such other duties as assigned.

Section 5 - Immediate Past President

The Immediate Past President shall offer advice and render assistance to the Board of Trustees upon request.

Section 6 - Trustees

The Trustees shall assist the President as requested.