Final Projects

What is a Final Project?

All students must complete a final project and an Exodus interview with one of our faith formation staff (Pr. Micah or Beka).

Final projects are to be completed prior to your Exodus interview but can be started at any point in the process. They are intended to lead toward faithful involvement in the congregation, community, and the wider church.

This project will be chosen by the youth with the help of parents and leaders at Holy Comforter. Each project should be something that benefits the individual’s faith, faith community, or larger community. As you participate in the Discipleship Academy, remember to find something that speaks to you. Explore areas of our faith community that you could envision yourself participating in as an adult member in the future, talking to other members could be insightful.

Final Project Ideas

- Preparing and leading the annual Easter Egg Hunt.

- Take the lead in an outreach project (ex. the Angel Tree or BCO collections).

- Help plan and execute a church meal.

- Organization and leadership of Vacation Bible School activities.

- Plan and lead a Kids Club event.

- Writing a devotion for youth group or special publications.

- Leading or performing in a special music offering for worship.

- Creating artistic projects for around our church building.

- Learn and create “how to” manuals for technical equipment.

- Interview a Faith Leader.

For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. - 1 Corinthians 12:12