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i would like to disable because i have a problem with notifications: sometimes don't arrive or arrive late. it happens at least once a solve it I have to delete the data and cache of the Google Play Store every time. after i do it all of a sudden all the notifications come.maybe disabling the Google Play Services could solve...

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It just suggestion not a solution as I don't know your complete scenario. Delete all dependencies and all the build folders from your application and rebuild the project.At least It will prompt you where the play services dependency is present

With another text editor, open (your project)\app\src\main\AndroidManifest.xml and remove Then save the file, make sure that our build.gradle doesn't contain the play-services-appindexing dependency anymore, and rebuild your project from Android Studio.

I removed the build reference to in the build.gradle for my app under dependencies. I removed the references that were auto inserting in the android manifest.

I am creating an app where I need to analyse spector of my signal. And when this service is on I got some filtered HZs, When I stop this service everything is ok.In my app I need to disable Google play services by code when my app runs.Is there any idea how can disable the services (Force Stop) by code ?

Your code is not allowed to force a stop of Google Play services by design and by contract. You can connect and disconnect your own clients at-will, but other apps on the device may be using the services and you are not allowed to interfere with them.

XxTriviumxX If your apps all work as expected with Play Store disabled, including notifications, then you simply don't need the Play Store installed. However, you may install an app down in the future which does require the Play Store and/or Services in order to function, at which point you could reinstall it, or install it and the problematic app to a secondary profile as some others do.

XxTriviumxX Our usage guide explains that Play services and the Play Store are interdependent. Play services needs the Play Store in order to properly install and update dynamite modules in the Play services app data. If you want to use Play services, you should have the Play Store too.

[deleted] Do you get any issues after uninstalling play store? I'm under the impression that having a disabled play store make my protonmail notifications work, and uninstalling it would break the push notifications

XxTriviumxX At first i thought that as well, but some how i still get notifications for ProtonMail. 

I've got the message: This app needs GooglePlay services which are not installed on your device, but except of that it works without any flaws.

For the Google Play Store (GPS), as stated in the GrapheneOS instructions, you can install it, initiate the login process, but do not provide credentials, and simply exit the app. This initializes the GPS libraries to allow for Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM), which allows for encrypted push messages between the app and its provider, for example, a push message from McDonald's to your McDonald's app. I have two apps that will not run without FCM: myParish - the app actually displays a message that it will not run without GPS; and Toyota - I need this to access remote control features of my car. Aside from those two, I have no need of any Google services.

dcd-graphenediscuss You don't need to open the Play Store and go to the sign in page anymore. It's not in the instructions anymore. Play services depends on the Play Store and you should install both if you want to use Play services.

Schiller once, that message appeared on proton mail after uninstalling play store. the push notifications of proton mail would not work (didnt check the other apps though). I don't know if i was just unlucky... i never dared re-uninstalling it again out of sheer lazyness (and lack of patience too). now play store is simply disabled and everything is sharp.. i may try uininstalling plat store after gathering a lil bit more patience LOL

Push messages are a special category of messaging where the OS receives an encrypted message from Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) to a specific app. Android "wakes up" the app and hands off the message to the app, which reads it and then displays it as a notification.

dcd-graphenediscuss Please read and -google-play. Any app can implement push messages and Google Play is not used by GrapheneOS and not granted any special privileges by GrapheneOS. It has no unique ability to implement push messages on GrapheneOS.

Google Play services is the API layer that enables unique Google features onAndroid. It's on every Google-supported Android device. It provides appdevelopers a unified way to integrate Google services into their apps. To learnmore about Google Play services, seeOverview of Google Play Services.

The Google Play services beta program gives you early access to new versions ofGoogle Play services. This is especially useful for developers, because it givesthem the ability to test their apps on their own devices. It also gives Googlethe opportunity to provide a better experience to users around the world.

It's important to keep in mind that beta versions of Google Play services may beless stable than later versions officially released to the public. This meansthat some apps might crash, or that some features might not work properly. Forexample, your device could crash repeatedly, making any service on the deviceunavailable.

You can subscribe to the Google Play services beta using a web browser, ordirectly through your device. After you've signed up, whenever a beta version ofGoogle Play services is released, it will be automatically downloaded on alldevices using the Google account you signed up with.

If you want to use the production version of Google Play services, you'll haveto leave the beta program and then wait for the release of the next productionversion of Google Play services, which will be installed on your devices.

"My application uses Google maps feature which needs Google Play services to be installed and enabled on the device. I wanted to test a case in which if Google play service has been disabled by user manually ask user to enable it so that application can work properly.SO i need to test my code against this case but I don't know how do I disable (not uninstall) Google play service on my phone and check if my code works properly."

If you are interested in using a wide range of services provided by Google, you may decide to add Google Play services to your Android device. Though these services can be very useful to some users today, they can begin to cause problems for others. Having said that, one of the first things that you should know about Google Play Service is that there are a number of different reasons why you may also decide to disable these services at one point in time. So, here are a few that you may want to review as you make your decision.

Some people may add Google services to their device because of all of the cool things that Google usually offers to users when they create and deploy their applications. Even though this may be the case for some users, not all of the applications are essential to the use for everyone. As a result, some people may quickly add download software on their Android devices like Google Play services because it is available. Unfortunately, this is not always beneficial to all users since these applications come along with a full package of software applications that includes Google Account Manager, Google Services Framework, and Google Backup Transport. Each of which provide a variety of functionality that some users may not even need because of other applications that they presently house.

While this package of services may be attractive, one of the biggest problems that many users encounter is a huge drain on the device's battery. Therefore, the user will not get the battery life that they are used to getting throughout the day. In some cases, many of these problems can be associated with other issues. At least until these problems are traced back to the package of services that have obtained through Google Play Service.

If an individual does decide to disable Google play services on their Android devices, it is important that they know what this will affect. So, for those of you who are interested in knowing what services that you will lose and the overall effect, here is a brief overview.

Even though some users may find that adding Google Play Services to their device is not be the best action for them, it is very important that everyone does their research on this topic well in advance. Since the main goal or objective for some is to remove these applications altogether by deleting them, there are problems that can occur. Especially, when the user is trying to free up the device for more space. One of the most notable is that when these services are removed from the Android device, most or all of the apps may stop working after the deletion has been done. So, it is very critical that people know exactly what they are doing when they add or delete Google Play Services from their Android.

If you think that Google Play Service only provides a platform to download new apps, then you are wrong. It provides several other functions that might alter the way you use your smartphone. It is linked with other essential Google services as well, like Google Maps, Gmail, Google Music, etc. After uninstalling the Google Play Service, you might face trouble using various essential apps. ff782bc1db

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