Disability and Emerging Technologies OzCHI 2024 Workshop

Emerging technologies such as robots, extended reality and generative AI have become increasingly pervasive and many people, business and services have identified ways to derive benefit from their use. However, there remain many challenges in developing inclusive technologies that take into account the needs, values and interests of people with disabilities. This is true for emerging technologies as well. There is a need to look at the challenges and opportunities in this space and the methods needed to include the voice of people with disabilities in the design of these technologies. This workshop addresses this issue by bringing together researchers, designers, and industry practitioners to explore innovative approaches to disability technology research and development, to critically examine current practices and collaboratively envision new possibilities.

Key issues to be addressed include:

What emerging technologies show the most promise for enhancing accessibility and inclusion?

What research methods can we use to include diverse disability communities in the technology design process?

What new methodologies are needed to evaluate the real-world impact of emerging technologies?

How can we accelerate the translation of research into widely available products and services?

Call for Participation

This workshop focuses on designing emerging technologies that are accessible and inclusive from the outset. Researchers, designers and industry practitioners interested in inclusive technology and addressing one or more of the following are invited to register:

Applications of emerging technologies for accessibility 

Novel methods for incorporating diverse users in the design process of emerging technologies

Strategies for identifying and addressing potential accessibility barriers in new technologies

Case studies of successful inclusive design of emerging technologies

Ethical considerations in designing inclusive emerging technologies

Strategies for scaling inclusive innovations

Interested participants can express their interest by completing this following EOI Form by the 22nd of November. 

Participants can choose to (but are not required to) submit a 1-4 page position paper about any of the topics listed above or relevant topics in the registration form. The position papers will be posted on workshop website but will not be included in the Conference proceedings. Please use the ACM master template which you can download here

At least one author of the accepted submissions must register for the conference and the workshop. Register for the conference here.

If you have any question, please email saminda.balasuriya@qut.edu.au 


Dr Saminda Sundeepa Balasuriya


Chris Beaumont

Endeavour Foundation

Dr Jessica Korte


Dr Joshua Hall

Griffith University

Jacquie Johnston

Monash University

Peter Worthy


Laurianne Sitbon



This workshop will be a half day workshop on Sunday 1 December and run from 9am to 12.30pm. The workshop structure will be as follows: 

9:00 - 9:30: Welcome and introductions

9:30 - 10:15: Lightning talks by participants to present their position papers

10:15 - 10:30: Morning tea

10:30 - 11:15: Small group discussions on key challenges in inclusive design of emerging technologies

11:15 – 12:00: Group activity for co-creating scenarios that outline the opportunities.

12:00 - 12:30: Groups present scenarios and workshop wrap up

12:30 - Lunch