Letter API and Newsletter API

You can use the letter API to create personalized mailers for your customers. Just enter the name of the recipient (minimum 40 characters), to_address1 (address with first and last name), and to_address2 (address with second and third line). You can also provide a 2-letter state abbreviation code. If the recipient's state code is invalid, mail will not be sent.

The Letters API uses HTTP POST requests to send data. Make sure you set the Authorization header in the Inkit application settings. You can also use cURL, Postman, or an automatic endpoint trigger. The Letters API also supports HTML, which can be used to insert custom fields. When using HTML, use two percent signs to indicate custom fields and make sure to include them in the data payload.

You can also use the letter API to automate letter creation, printing, and mailing. PostGrid's letter API uses trusted printers near your customer's address, which saves money on postage. It also automates tasks such as stuffing, folding, and sorting. You can even use the letter API to integrate with other applications to manage your direct mail efforts.

The MailWriter API is another option for developing applications. This will allow you to send letters and postcards from third-party applications. It also gives you the ability to manage account credits for third-party applications.read more