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Discover the Rich and Diverse World of Russian Folk Music

Russian folk music is a musical tradition that reflects the history, culture and diversity of the Russian people. It encompasses a variety of genres, styles and instruments, from ancient chants and epic songs to lively dances and modern adaptations. In this article, we will explore some of the most popular and distinctive forms of Russian folk music, as well as some of the artists and groups that keep this tradition alive today.

What is Russian Folk Music?

Russian folk music is a broad term that covers any music that originates from the rural or urban folk culture of Russia. It is usually performed by amateur or professional musicians who learn by ear or from written sources, and who often improvise or adapt their songs to suit different occasions and audiences. Russian folk music can be divided into two main categories: vocal and instrumental.

Vocal Folk Music

Vocal folk music is the oldest and most widespread form of Russian folk music. It includes songs that are sung solo or in groups, with or without accompaniment, and that express various themes and emotions, such as love, sorrow, humor, patriotism, religion, folklore and mythology. Some of the most common types of vocal folk music are:

Bylina: A long narrative song that tells the stories of legendary heroes, such as Prince Igor, Ilya Muromets and Sadko. Bylinas are usually sung by a single bard who uses a special recitative style and formulaic phrases.

Khorovod: A circular dance song that involves singing and moving in a circle around a leader or a central object. Khorovods are often performed by women during weddings, festivals and other celebrations.

Kalenda: A seasonal song that marks the arrival of spring, summer, autumn or winter. Kalendas are usually sung by groups of young people who go from house to house, offering blessings and receiving gifts in return.

Lament: A mournful song that expresses grief over the death of a loved one or a tragic event. Laments are usually sung by women during funerals or memorial services.

Lullaby: A soothing song that is sung to children or infants to help them fall asleep. Lullabies often contain words of affection, protection and wishes for the future.

Instrumental Folk Music

Instrumental folk music is the newer and more diverse form of Russian folk music. It includes tunes that are played on various traditional or modern instruments, either solo or in ensembles, and that are used for dancing, entertainment or background music. Some of the most common types of instrumental folk music are:

Balalaika: A triangular-shaped stringed instrument with three strings that are plucked with the fingers or a plectrum. Balalaikas come in different sizes and pitches, from the small prima to the large contrabass. Balalaikas are often played in orchestras or bands that also include domras (lute-like instruments), bayans (button accordions) and percussion instruments.

Garmoshka: A diatonic button accordion with two rows of buttons on each side. Garmoshkas are popular among peasants and nomads who use them to accompany songs or dances. Garmoshkas have a distinctive sound that is produced by alternating between pushing and pulling the bellows.

Gusli: A plucked zither with multiple strings that are tuned to different notes. Guslis are one of the oldest instruments in Russia and have a sacred significance in some traditions. Guslis are often used to accompany bylinas or religious chants.

Svirel: A wooden flute with six finger holes and a mouthpiece at one end. Svirels are simple but versatile instruments that can produce a range of melodies and rhythms. Svirels are often played solo or in duets with other wind instruments.

Spoon: A pair of wooden spoons that are held back to back and struck together to create percussive sounds. 66dfd1ed39

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