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Deodatis specializes in probabilistic methods in civilengineering and engineering mechanics, with emphasis on earthquakeengineering applications. He was appointed to the faculty in 1991after three years as a lecturer and research associate. In 1992 hewon a National Young Investigator Award to support his research.

Series Four - Turn of the Century Expansion: 1897-1906 (cont'd)Box 7FF 1 - Hospital bids; Dean of the College of Agriculture Report; railway stations pamphlets; Laclede County mining lease; dorm reports; UMR Executive Committee actions; student placement by the Cuban Educational Association of the USA; college lands; sewer problems; meeting minutes (11/28/1899); repair bids (1899).FF 2 - Dean of the College of Agriculture Reports; remodeling and repair bids; construction and furnishing bids; Hoge appointed Examiner of Schools; applications, recommendations, and appointments to positions; "Greenwood Club" program; Librarian's Report; meeting minutes (12/20/1899); Karnes to Jesse regarding W.J. Bryan's speech and the University's political climate; meeting minutes (1899).FF 3 - Goods and services bills; Summer School Committee Report; books ordered; Library Reports; University publications entered as second class mail; University circular advertisement(8/14/1899); College of Agriculture Department Reports; indebtedness certificates (1900).FF 4 - Applications, recommendations, and appointments to positions; Committee of Nine regarding class size; Departmental needs and expenditures; dorm reports; Omaha Exhibit Committee Report; Council of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers regarding standardization; student fee remission; college lands and timber; Sanitary Committee regarding student vaccination; San Juan money order; Club Houses ledger sheets; meeting minutes (1/26/1900).FF 5 - Application for second class postal rates; applications, recommendations, and appointments to positions; goods and services bills; Weather Bureau Office; Committee on Discipline actions; college lands and timber management; College of Agriculture Department Reports (1900).FF 6 - Departmental needs and expenditures; work done in departments; electric light plant installation cost; bids and related materials (1900).FF 7 - Jesse regarding the University News-Items; electric light plant report; goods and services bids and bills; Committee on Summer Schools' recommendations; University News-Items (5/23/1899); meeting minutes (3/26/1900); Smallpox circular (1900).FF 8 - Committee of Nine's Report (6/1895); Approved Schools circular regarding teaching Greek (1900).FF 9 - College of Agriculture Reports; Sanitary Committee regarding spinal meningitis cases; Martin regarding campus vandalism; salary increase requests; Normal Department name change; Library Report; summer school courses; departmental needs and expenditures; coal receipts; Jesse Hall repairs; Adolphus Busch donation for the hospital; applications, recommendations, and appointments to position (1900).FF 10 - College of Agriculture, Chemistry, Department of Engineering, Experiment Station, and Entomology Reports (1900).FF 11 - Jesse Hall electric rewiring bids and specifications; applications, recommendations, and appointments to positions; request for more German Department faculty; Missouri Bar Association meeting; Martin regarding the diploma charge; summer school courses; Hudson-Kimberly Publishing Company and University students (1900).FF 12 - Applications, recommendations, and appointments to positions; construction bids; electrical wiring costs and inspections; Military Department Report; University Cooperative Store; lab credit balances (1900).FF 13 - College of Agriculture Reports; Ordinance Property transfer; Experiment Station Bulletins; hospital construction; Jackson County collateral inheritance tax; resignations, applications, and recommendations for positions; summer school courses; University Academy announcement(1900).FF 14 - Jesse's Report to the Board; appointments; UMR Director Ladd's Report; Busch donation reactions; Association of Approved Schools admission requirements resolution; University's Civil War occupation damages; local Weather Bureau; cadet uniform specifications (1900).FF 15 - Alumni concerning University conditions and reforms; accusations against Jesse of hiring bias; Blackwell charges and Purinton persecuting Doctor Smith (1900).FF 16 - Coal bids; Missouri Experiment Station Financial Report; College of Agriculture Reports; Library Reports; act regarding homesteading; Jesse's Report; Board of Visitors Report; UMR Director Ladd's Report; Architecture Library transferred to the General Library; faculty leave requests; applications, recommendations, and appointments to positions (1900).FF 17 - Legislation regarding the Bureau of Geology and Mines location; YMCA money appropriation; corporate taxes; inheritance taxes; YMCA appropriations; College of Agriculture Reports; act to collect revenue and extend the time payments on indebtedness certificates; History of the University by Switzler; Olmsted Brothers regarding campus improvement costs; Visiting Committee questions (1901).FF 18 - Goods and services bills and bids; cadet uniforms; Student Labor; Committee on the Location of the School of Mines Report (filed 12/21/1870); appropriation legislation and amendments; College of Agriculture Reports; livestock judging; Veterinary Science and Dairy instruction; equipment (1901).FF 19 - Applications, recommendations, and appointments to positions; departmental needs and expenditures; University claim for Civil War damages; retirement of G. Lathrop; act regarding deceased persons' estates; Club House; Sanitary Committee Report; collateral Inheritance Tax Report; University of the State of Missouri name change; Summer School Committee recommendations; UMR relocation; appropriation list; Switzler regarding the Registrar's duties; UMR Executive Committee actions (3/4/1901); Association of American Law Schools Articles (1901).FF 20 - Faculty regarding the laboratory fee; women's gym and Department of Physical Training and Athletics improvements; Concurrent Resolution regarding UMR bond issuing; "Items Absolutely Necessary for the Support of the University; collateral inheritance tax decision; Librarian's Report; University Seal; departmental needs and expenditures; College of Agriculture Reports (1901).FF 21 - Certificate of Curator appointments and oaths; Board regarding entrance requirements; University admission standards for special students and short course students; UMR Director Ladd's Report; Statement about the University; Jesse's Report to the Board (1901).FF 22 - Applications, recommendations, and appointments to positions; physics course comparison at UMR; goods and services bills and bids; livestock building; Medical Building general plan; report regarding dorm receipts, increased costs, and reorganization; Summer School Committee; Entrance Requirements for the Department of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts; College of Agriculture Reports; Missouri State Fair exhibits; act establishing a Dairy Husbandry chair; fraternity resolution for the year's plans; vaccinated students; UMR Executive Committee actions (1901). 006ab0faaa

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