My Creative Process

Welcome to my site! My name is Joe Trujillo, aka The Diorama Guy, and for nearly 40 years I have been fascinated with the exciting world of science-fiction, classic horror monsters, and horror film monster model kits. I remember, as an impressionable child, seeing the classic horror film, “The Wolfman” for the very first time. I recall that I was struck by the vivid details in Lon Chaney Jr.’s beastly creature. From that moment, I needed more information and that led me into the exciting world of building realistic sculptured monster figurines aka Dioramas.

My first adventure, was when I discovered all the classic Aurora model kits. Not only did I love building and painting them, but also bringing them to life through creating diorama sceneries for them in 3-dimensional detail. Of course, credit must go where it’s deserved and who can really be a fan of horror models without first being a fan of the great Ray Harry Hausen? Mr. Hausen’s incredible animation, special effects, and amazing sceneries have never failed to reach and stimulate so many individuals and, in my case, a young student’s imaginations.

Years ago, I had the privilege of meeting Mr. Hausen at one of his appearances. I showed him my work and he seemed pleased and told me to keep up the good use of detail and imagination. He then proceeded to autograph my Diorama Fantasies pictures. This was a special moment in my life and something which I will never forget.

As previously stated, my work has been influenced by great innovators and pioneers such as Mr. Hausen. Through my experience and experimentation, I’ve developed my own form and style of diorama making, which incorporates vivid images, details, and 3-dimensional scenery. This has been inspired by close observation of all forms of art, and my lifelong involvement with drawing and painting, which comes naturally to me and was further encouraged by my High School art teacher, and is an important part of my existence.

In closing, I hope that I’ve presented insight into myself and my work. I also hope that my written message will be further highlighted and visualized by the photos on my site. Therefore, regardless of any outcome that we may experience in the fascinating and mystical universe of art, the main objective is to inspire, and for it to be accessible and enjoyed by all who wish to experience its wonder and beauty.

Joe Trujillo “The Diorama Guy”