Some dinos you jump off, some dinos you just stand up. The stand-up method is way preferable, since you can easily dismount to where you want to be, instead of being thrown into problematic places (getting stuck between tames or rocks, sliding off of cliff edges, etc.).

This will possibly make dismounting look odd on small rideable dinos like ovis, pachy, ptera etc, and for that I'd suggest simply assuming the crouch animation on dismount, and auto-switch it to standing as soon as the player starts moving. Should look at least as good, and work far better, than the current always-jump method for them. Jumping off of a small dino you've just parked with other tames is probably the #1 cause of getting stuck in-between dinos.

Dino Jump


So Las Night a clan in our PVE server led a Giga into 3 of the main tribes bases. Im not here to cry about it as I have already lost everything and there is no going back. What I do wanna know is if anyone has seen gigas walk over Stone dino gates. I have spent the last 3 weeks completely surrounding our base with Stone dino gates and actually finished the day before this happened. So I logged in yesterday to do a quick metal run on my newly tamed quetz and realized all my dinos were gone but no damage to any walls or structures. In my mind this was lag and it would rubberband me back. That is when I went to the log and knew something was amiss when it actually let me go to my inventory. Long story short I lost all my main dinos and another tribe as well. We all drowned the giga and that was the most birds I seen in the air at once lol. Quetzals and argies stood no chance and a few of them fell to the beast.

The upsetting part is that The giga did not tear through the walls but instead walked right over them. The other base that was hit had all metal dino gates and metal behemoth gates as well. Walked right over those exactly like mine.

I play on adding another layer of walls around the main part of my base by stacking another layer of dino gates above the ones I have. I also plan on making metal pillars and placing a large square out of giga range (my birds survived and im assuming they are at a safe distance)

We all submitted a ticket and I may report the bug of them walking over walls but this is pretty much all we could do as he jumped over those walls really hungry and had a few 150 tames as an appetizer lol.

I believe technically you need at least 4 high. That being said, I have also seen dinos glitch through walls. Had a wild bronto glitch through our perimeter walls, then through our house to the courtyard. This should have been considered impenetrable. Yet, there he was.

We had a giga drop off that ledge in a dedicated server. Killed our high level guard rexes, our pack of high level roaming dilos, then went to town. To prevent this, we gated off the entire perimeter up top with metal gates. Yikes. But nothing ever got in after that. I think we lost 58 (going from memory) dinos in those few seconds.

one the centre map i seen a giga spawn in on top of a small pinacle/. Mountain as i fly past him he jumped off and landed in someones base. i felt a little bad but there was nothing i could do. He destroyed everything they were offline

I would say its the loading priority and the Giga got in there while the structures were not loaded yet, but part of me would want to know what map and where your base was located. If it was on the center, i could see more ways. Believe me, i've lost a chunk of dinos to a Giga that somehow got into a metal barn i had built.

I dont believe it was the loading issue for the fact that it was led to my base a 3 other bases with the same result. Jumping over dino gates which theoretically would stop it from climbing over. The other tribe said the Giga almost sling shotted across the walls which mine were stone and they had full metal walls.

I am on the center @ about 5050 where the cave is. I am perched at the cliff and my base is on the edge of the cliff with stone dino gates across the entire cliff. The worst part was that it in fact jumped the walls lol. If it ate through a wall I would feel better but it was in and out like a ghost lol.

here is where it happended Just keep in mind I have a turned that wall into stone and added a behemoth gate. All my dinos were in that square adn thatts why they all died immediately lol. Check out my later videos to see some of the progress. This was very early on and as you can see gigas spawn here all the time and i never had a problem until they led them in lol. The bases that also got hit are across that river.

I've recently made a game in Scratch named Dino T-rex. However, I can't make the dinosaur jump when an obstacle comes. It doesn't jump when the up arrow is clicked. Rather, it just goes front. How do I fix it?

When you use the glide command your dino is only moving to the right and then stopping because the second glide block is to the same coordinates. You only want to change the second coordinate because then, the Y coordinate, so that the dino doesn't move left nor right, just up then straight down.

In the block you are showing for the UP arrow, you are moving the sprite to coordinates -147,26 and then, after 2 seconds you are moving it again to -147,26. So there is no movement there (other than the first glide which moves the dino to the right).

You have to move the dino up (by changing the glide's Y-coordinate final destination) to a higher point, but you have almost the same value (y: 26 units) that you have when the dino appears in the starting position (y: 27 units)

Dinosaur T-Rex Game is a replica of the hidden Chrome browser game that appears when there is no internet. Press the "space bar" key to start. Make the dinosaur jump by using the "space bar" key or the "up arrow" key, and make it duck by using the "down arrow" key.

As mentioned above, the Chrome Dino Game is a free, endless runner game, where a T-Rex needs to avoid countless obstacles it encounters on its path, such as cactuses and pterodactyls. The dinosaur starts running automatically, as soon as the player pushes the space key or taps the dinosaur on a touchscreen, if the game is launched on a cell phone.

In order to avoid the cactuses, the player needs to make the dinosaur jump over them by pressing the space or up arrow key. To dodge the second obstacle (flying pterodactyls) the player needs to make it duck, by pressing the down arrow key. When the dinosaur crashes into either obstacle, the game stops and displays the score. Points are earned for elapsed time in the game.

The second class was 45cm which again he flew round! The round was a bit more polished compared to the first class. He even managed to pick up canter between some of the jumps. He got a clear round which meant we got ourselves in our first jump of together which he jumped amazing in! Bagging himself another first?

J ump into Dino Bounce House. Enjoy a big 15x15 jump area with basketball hoop. This versatile inflatable Bounce House is ideal for backyard parties and recreational event centers. High-visibility mesh around all sides allows spectators to view easily.

Jumping is a motor milestone that requires strength, balance, coordination, body awareness and motor planning. When practicing jumping we want to be sure to expose our children to different environments around them, with feet bare the child is able to interact with the unique texture of the ground surface.

Practice on soft grass, padded mats, carpet and hardwood. Each surface offers its own challenges to the child as they begin practicing jumping! Use other children as models, as peer play is essential to the acquisition of motor milestones. Children observe and learn from others.

Platform jumps allow us to practice jumping down from low height, jumping over and jumping up! We love using the interlocking balance beam as it provides helpful proprioceptive input especially with bare feet. Add in the tactile footprints to provide visual & tactile cues to promote narrowed base of support during jumping.

Once child masters jumping over colored tape, you can begin to introduce obstacles which promote more vertical height. These hurdles are great because you can gradually increase height to challenge the child as they develop more strength, balance and control in jumping skills!

The hoop ladder is a fun tool to practice jumping, promoting narrowed base of support as child is motivated to plant feet inside colorful hoop. The hoop ladder can also be used to promote sequence jumps, changing configuration to teach children open-close jumps in preparation for hop scotch!

A foam hop scotch floor puzzle can be used to practice open close jumps, jumping forward and sideways as child progresses to each number, and ultimately single leg to double leg jumps.

It is important to contact your Pediatrician or a Pediatric Physical Therapist if around 2.5-3 years of age your child continues to show difficulty jumping and you notice any of the following:

Several years ago, Google added a fun little Easter egg to Chrome: if your internet went down and you tried to visit a web page, you'd see the message "Unable to connect to the Internet" or "No internet" with a little pixilated dinosaur next to it. 2351a5e196

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