Outdoor Love Nook

If you're bunking with your folks, a bunch of roomies, or a big extended fam, having some outdoor fun might offer a more private option. But for others, doing the deed in the great outdoors is like checking off a spicy item on the "things to try" list. And who wouldn't fancy a bit of romance under the stars? It's super romantic, no doubt.

Of course, while spontaneous moments are cool, planning is key for outdoor adventures. Besides keeping an eye on the weather, you definitely want to avoid getting caught or, you know, dealing with the legal side of things.

If you've set your mind on outdoor escapades—or if you've already ventured into the wild and want to up your game—consider these tips to make your experience top-notch. All while keeping it safe, clean, and, most importantly, fun, 'cause that's the whole idea.

Pick Your Spot with Care

Many folks dive into outdoor adventures in the name of excitement—a chance to spice things up and feel that liberating thrill with a partner.

If you're new to outdoor escapades, consider starting close to home, like on your balcony, rooftop, or backyard under the night sky. Using props (like your patio furniture) can make things more comfortable than wrestling with tree bark against your back or stomach.

For a car-bound outdoor experience, deserted dirt roads and empty parking lots at night can be ideal. Just steer clear of residential areas and their watchful security cameras.

If you venture beyond your home base, empty campsites, quiet beaches, and wooded areas at night are all fair game, as long as there's no one strolling by.

In the end, go for a spot that ignites that inner thrill, but make sure there's enough cover to savor that adrenaline without an audience.

Respect Privacy and Get Consent

Think about who might catch a glimpse of your outdoor escapade. Whether the idea of an audience excites you or not, it's crucial to steer clear of involving anyone who hasn't given their okay. If your balcony offers a front-row seat to your naked shenanigans for neighbors or their kids, it's worth a second (or third) thought. Even though nighttime adds a layer of secrecy, it might not be foolproof. The last thing you want is to offend or surprise someone glancing your way—or, even worse, reopen wounds for someone dealing with past experiences.

Additionally, having some level of privacy, like a hedge or trees between you and the world, can reduce the risk of encountering authorities and potential legal trouble—definitely not on anyone's wishlist. While being on your own turf lowers the odds, if you're close to neighbors, this consideration is still a must.

Don’t get caught 

Heads up, there's a fine line between exciting outdoor intimacy and, well, awkward public encounters—though there's a bit of an overlap. Some places have rules about public amorous activities, so unless getting caught for indecent behavior is on your wishlist, it's wise to know the local laws. Also, if you're on someone else's turf, trespassing consequences might be in the cards.

Let's get real: getting arrested or having your intimate moment splashed across the internet are potential outcomes. Even worse, you might be spotted by a kiddo (and their not-so-happy parents). Long story short, play it smart. Lower the risk by avoiding busy spots and places where kids usually hang out.

Pro tip: think about going commando or wearing easy-access attire for a discreet rendezvous (and quick cover-up if needed), like a lift-up skirt or loose shorts you can shift aside.

Play it Safe and Clean

If outdoor intimacy is on the agenda, it's crucial to take precautions to steer clear of infections and injuries. Take the classic beach rendezvous, for example—a popular choice. Just keep in mind that having sand (or dirt, gravel, or hay, depending on your location) everywhere doesn't exactly set the stage for comfy moments. While this holds true for all outdoor spots, sand specifically is a hotspot for various bacteria, not to mention litter, pee, cigarette butts, and bird droppings.

Not to burst the romantic bubble, but UTIs, bacterial vaginosis, and yeast infections are potential risks when exposed to beach/park/forest leftovers. To dodge these issues, bring a large blanket to create a barrier against organic matter. And because bugs, sharp rocks, and poison ivy should never steal the spotlight from the primal passion, think about setting up multiple blankets, towels, or yoga mats. Packing a spare sheet to dive under if an unexpected visitor strolls by is a smart move.

Even better, setting up a tent keeps out both bacteria-laden debris and prying eyes. Translation: camping can open up exciting possibilities. Throw in a campfire for that extra enchantment, baby.

If you're close to a pool or a natural water body, water intimacy might sound appealing (extra privacy, anyone?). But since you can't be sure if the water is clean or harbors parasites, do your homework on water quality beforehand and take necessary precautions.

Bring the goods

Thinking ahead for outdoor intimacy means being ready! Pack everything to ensure a safe, comfy, and enjoyable experience. Bring along essentials like condoms, lube, sex toys, bug spray, water, and snacks—to name a few.

Consider tossing in some body and vulva-friendly wipes to clean off any dirt or sand from those intimate spots, and a first aid kit, just in case you encounter a branch, rock, or discarded bottle. Treat it like the adventure it is—and pack accordingly!

In a nutshell: while outdoor escapades can be thrilling, always remember it calls for some planning and a partner reliable enough to be on the same page—just in case you need to think on your feet!

Everyone deserves a thrill. Go get yours. <3