Papers Presented

Presented a paper titled “Masks as a Fashion Statement and a Mode of Expression During COVID-19 Days” in the Two-Day Transdisciplinary International Web Conference International Web Conference The Pandemic Turn: Challenges Direction & Innovation In New Order T, organized by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of KET's V. G. Vaze College (Autonomous) on 25th & 26th February 2021. (Autonomous) on 25th & 26th February 2021.

- Presented a research paper titled “Reclaiming the Reclaiming the Roots in the Post-Pandemic World: A Biocultural Insight into Pablo Neruda’s Odes” in the Two- in the Two- Day Transdisciplinary International Web Conference, The Pandemic Turn: Challenges Direction & Innovation In New Order Innovation, organized by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of KET's V. G. Vaze College (Autonomous) on 25th & 26th February 2021.

Presented a research paper titled “Paradox on Wheels: Paradox on Wheels: Virus Trains, Lockdown and Mobility Virus Trains, Lockdown and Mobility” in the Two-Day Transdisciplinary International Web Conference The Pandemic Turn: Challenges Direction & Innovation In New Order organized by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of KET's V. G. Vaze College (Autonomous) on 25th & 26th February, 2021.