Conference Presentations

  • Dinesh Kumar, Perturbed restricted problem of 2+2 bodies with straight segment and oblateness, presented in the "International Virtual Conference on Mathematical and Computational Models - ICMCM'21, October 29-30, 2021

  • Dinesh Kumar, Restricted problem of 2+2 bodies under the effect of oblateness and straight segment, presented at the IAU Symposium 364 on Multi-scale (time and mass) dynamics of space objects, October 18-22, 2021.

  • Dinesh Kumar, Unveiling the effect of perturbations in the Robe-Finite Straight Segment presented in the International Conference on Physics, Society and Technology-2019 (ICPST-2019), January 17-19, 2019.

  • Dinesh Kumar and Rajiv Aggarwal, Regions of motion in the R3BP with finite straight segment and oblateness presented in the International Conference on Mathematics and Applications (ICMA-2017), April 26-28, 2017.

  • Dinesh Kumar, Rajiv Aggarwal and Mamta Jain, Combined effects of Finite Straight Segment and Oblateness on the Libration Points in the Restricted-Three Body Problem presented in the International Conference on Mathematical Sciences Interface Humanity (ICMSIH-2016), 7-8 October, 2016.