Dinamici a Roma Tre

Gli incontri si tengono il  martedi alle 17

I used to love mathematics for its own sake, and I still do, because it allows for no hypocrisy and no vagueness, my two bêtes noires.

Stendhal, La Vie d’Henri Brulard (1890).

In mathematics you don't understand things. You just get used to them.

—John von Neumann

Deviner avant de prouver ! Ai-je besoin de vous rappeler que c'est ainsi que toutes les découvertes importantes aient été faites ?

Henri Poincare

La meccanica è il paradiso della matematica perché qui se ne possono cogliere i frutti. Non c'è certezza nella scienza se la matematica non può esservi applicata, o se non vi è comunque in relazione.

Leonardo Da Vinci

La matematica è come una piramide rovesciata: si regge sulla punta, che quindi deve essere salda, e bisogna costruire in tutte le direzioni, altrimenti la piramide crolla.

Edoardo Sernesi

Questo teorema ha più preliminari di un film porno

Gianni Mancini


“But how do you DO research in mathematics?”, people often wonder. Even a distinguished laboratory scientist may be unable to comprehend how research can be possible without test-tubes, pipettes, and bubbling flasks of evil-smelling brews. Well, you scratch your head; you scratch the back of an envelope with a pencil; you scratch a blackboard with a piece of chalk. You lie in the bath and gaze alternately at the ceiling and at your navel. You do the washing-up or go to sleep and you leave your subconscious to do your thinking for you – often astonishingly successfully. And a good old screaming-match with your colleagues can sometimes help too.

A tragedy of mathematics is a beautiful conjecture ruined by an ugly fact.

The sea squirt, after an active life, settles on the sea floor and, like a professor given tenure, absorbs its brain.