Dina Group

Supermarket design, hypermarket design, supermarket design, supermarket control are the main services of Dina Group. For more information, visit the Dina Group website.

Supermarket design to the best supermarket equipment with Dina Group

Supermarkets are one of the shops that we all have to visit to get our daily necessities. You must have bought from many supermarkets and you have seen a lot of variety between them. There are usually several supermarkets in each neighborhood and street, and which one you buy from depends largely on the design of the supermarket, the supermarket equipment, the price and the variety of the goods. Supermarket design today, like any other place, follows certain principles and architecture, part of which is tasteful and part of which is mandatory. Depending on the type of shop you are going to set up, the design will also vary; For example, you may have a small shop and in this case you should use the necessary tips for designing a small supermarket, or you may have a plan to start a large store or hypermarket. In this case, the supermarket equipment, shop decoration and the overall design of your shop decor is completely different from the design of a small supermarket.

Supermarket design has a great impact on increasing your customers and sales. So to increase your income, you should consider the basic and necessary tips for designing a supermarket and decorating the supermarket. In this article, we will introduce you to different types of supermarket design from small supermarket design to modern supermarket design.

Everything you need to know to design your supermarket!

Supermarket layout

To set up your supermarket, you must first draw a general plan of how to divide the spaces and the type of layout according to the products to be sold and draw the size of your shop. Then go into detail.

Types of products offered

The next point in designing a supermarket is choosing the type of products offered. Small supermarkets often sell groceries and basic necessities, while hypermarkets or department stores may contain everything from groceries to electronics, clothing, and stationery. Depending on the products you are going to sell in your supermarket, its design can also change.

Supermarket equipment

Every supermarket needs equipment to provide its services and products. The types of supermarket equipment vary depending on the type of product to be offered, but some equipment is common to all supermarkets. For example, all supermarkets need a number of showcases and shelves, desks, cash registers, refrigerators, and so on. Now, depending on your taste and the size of the shop, the design of the supermarket equipment can be different. For example, you may want to offer a variety of meats in your supermarket, in which case you will need showcase refrigerators.

Shop decor design

The next point in setting up any supermarket is to design the decor of the shop. Various factors such as available space, type of products offered, estimated cost and ند are effective in designing the decor of your shop. The first thing to consider when designing a shop decor is to pay attention to the color of the floor and walls. Dark colors are usually not suitable for small spaces. If your shop is small, you can use bright colors to make it more attractive. Also, using wood-colored flooring can create a natural and eye-catching look in the eyes of your customers.

The next thing that is very important in the decoration of the supermarket is the use of beautiful and spacious shelves, tables and artifacts. You can double your appearance by designing your shop name on these artifacts or a bit of lighting, and it is actually a kind of advertisement for your shop. You should also be very careful in choosing the color of this category of supermarket decoration. Warm colors such as red usually attract more attention in the food sector. Sometimes using soothing colors like green can help you keep your customers in your supermarket longer and increase your sales.

Supermarket decoration material is the next factor that you should pay attention to in designing your supermarket. Shelves and tables are made of different materials: wood, metal, MDF and.. Of course, due to the more beautiful appearance and variety of models, today the use of wooden shelves or MDF in the design of shop decor is more common than in the past. Due to the high price of wooden shelves, their use is usually more limited in supermarkets. Of course, sometimes some shopkeepers use a combination of two or more materials in the design of their shop decor. MDF shelves also have more color variation and you can double the beauty of your shop decoration by choosing different colors. MDF shelves are often lighter than metal types, and this feature has a great impact on the decoration of your supermarket, on the other hand, it is easier to move.

Lighting is another main principle of shop decor design and supermarket design. If all the decoration elements of your supermarket are suitable but there is not enough light to see them, you will still fail to attract customers. Today, all kinds of lamps and lighting are used in the design of supermarkets. Sometimes colored lighting is used to separate the environment of different parts of a supermarket, which is very effective in attracting customers.