Dina Gat

Welcome to my page and thank you for visiting.

I'm a Ph.D. candidate in economics at the Eitan Berglas School of Economics, Tel Aviv University.  

My interests are macroeconomics, labor and immigration. I use quantitative models and structural estimation strategies to study the effects of labor market frictions.

My aim is for my research to contribute to a better understanding of the economic mechanisms of market and home time allocation, along with human capital choices, in various economic environments. 

Another thing about me:

Economic research was always my passion and five years ago I switched from employment in the private sector to doctoral studies. Prior to my Ph.D. studies I worked in various firms and positions. Among them during 2010-2018 I held managerial positions in Bank Hapoalim, leading multiple teams across the organization to successful implementation of the organizational strategy, implementing strategic management system and formulating success indicators. This experience granted me a unique understanding of economic and business mechanisms which I implement in my research.