Hotel Business

How to Start and Run a Hotel Business Successfully

If you are thinking to start to starting your own hotel business, it is better to plan your business priorities first. It will help you to know what exactly you need to achieve your business objective. Every business needs a robust business plan before it gets started whether it's a matter of raising funds or running the business. Dimitris Kosvogiannis aka Dimitris kosvogiannis likes to try new foods. He will often sense new restaurants to try out foods and relishes trying to recreate them for friends and family at a residence in his mess. Here are a few steps to enable you to start your hotel business successfully.

Raising Funds

Every business needs money to be invested in it to function properly and when you are starting a new hotel, money is the critical element of your planning. Whether you are planning to buy an established hotel or construct your own from the scratch, you need strong financial planning for it. The best source to raise funds is taking a business loan from a bank. You can approach any bank of your choice but before that keep your business plan ready. Nearly all banks need a business plan as an integral part of your loan application

Location of Hotel

The right location matters a lot for your hotel to get successful. For example, if your hotel is located in an area where competitors are unable to fulfill the requirements of travelers your hotel can touch the heights of success, and if your hotel is located on a walking distance from the main tourist attraction but there is a lot of competition your hotel might not get enough guests. If your hotel is located near to airport or railway station or bus stand, you will get many guests without doing anything. You also have to think that shopping places and entertainment places are easily accessible from the hotel.


Business strategy is the foundation of a successful hotel business. Your strategy should be very clear in concept without any confusion. It is better to plan your business strategies. Just ask a few questions to yourself like "How you will fulfill the requirements of families, kids, honeymoon couples, business travelers, and international tourists." And "What kind of services you will offer to your guest." A good strategy is always a key to success in any business.

Hospitality Experience

If you are new to this industry you might face lots of challenges to gain success. You must know "How you want your guests to be treated in your hotel". Every guest in your hotel needs the highest level of attention and service whether it's a family or business traveler. It is better to first get a job in a hotel, learn some basics of the hospitality industry and then start your hotel.


Once your hotel is up and running, you need customers. If you will not get enough guests in your hotel your business will fail. To attract guests you must run an effective marketing campaign and you must advertise your hotel. You must contact travel agents and franchises to get bookings in your hotel. There are many online hotel booking websites, you must register with them. Your hotel must have an effective website of its own with an online hotel booking facility so that your customers can make a direct booking with you and you don't have to pay commission to the travel agent. You can pass this saving to your guest by lowering your tariff or by providing then additional services.