Sample images of C-EXPR-DB of subjects of different ethnicities, genders and age groups. The in-the-wild nature of the database can be seen, with high variations in head and body poses, gestures, lightning and illumination conditions, backgrounds.


Research in automatic analysis of facial expressions mainly focuses on recognising the seven basic ones. However,  compound expressions are more diverse and represent the complexity and subtlety of our daily affective displays more accurately. Limited research has been conducted for compound expression recognition, because only a few databases exist, which are small, lab controlled, imbalanced and static. In this work, I present an in-the-wild A/V database, C-EXPR-DB, consisting of 400 videos annotated in terms of 13 compound expressions, valence-arousal emotion descriptors, action units, speech, facial landmarks and attributes. 

How to acquire C-EXPR-DB

If you are an academic, (i.e., a person with a permanent position at a research institute or university, e.g. a professor or a post-doc, but not a PhD/PG/UG student), you must:
i) fill in this EULA;
ii) use your official academic email (as data cannot be released to personal emails);
iii) send an email to d.kollias@qmul.ac.uk with subject: C-EXPR-DB request by academic;
iv) include in the email the above signed EULA, the reason why you require access to the database, and your official academic website

If you are a Ph.D. student: your supervisor should perform the steps mentioned above and include you in the list of additional researchers.

If you are from industry and you want to acquire C-EXPR-DB, please email d.kollias@qmul.ac.uk with subject: C-EXPR-DB request from industry and explain the reason why the database access is needed; also specify if it is for research or commercial purposes.

Important Information


If you use the above data, you must cite the following paper:

@inproceedings{kollias2023multi, title={Multi-Label Compound Expression Recognition: C-EXPR Database \& Network}, author={Kollias, Dimitrios}, booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition}, pages={5589--5598}, year={2023}}