Rutgers/DIMACS Theory of Computing Seminar


Important Update:

The theory of computing seminar is being held online. Contact the organizers for the link to the seminar. More information on Rutgers's response to coronavirus is available at

Place: Core 301

Time: Wednesdays 11:00 am -- 12:00 Noon

Organizers: Sepehr Assadi and Swastik Kopparty


For those arriving by train to New Brunswick station, the best way to get to the seminar room is by Rutgers bus. The directions are available by clicking here.

For those driving in, the best strategy is to pre-arrange to pick up a parking tag from one of the organizers upon arrival, and park in lot 64. For directions to Lot 64, click on this link.

Mailing List

There is a mailing list where the announcements of talks and other related information appear. You can subscribe to this list here.

Interested in Giving a Talk?

Send an email to the organizers.