Techs and Languages:

Machine Translation, Tools and Digital Technologies

in the Acquisition of Portuguese and Other Romance


Collocated with PROPOR 2020

paper submission - 4th of Feb 2020

From a linguistic point of view to computational implementation, in the scope of PROPOR 2020, this workshop aims to promote, mainly, the debate about the academic status of machine translation and the importance of tools, games and new technologies directed to the automatic processing of Portuguese and other Romance languages. In addition, we intend to approach several aspects of automatic processing as strategic elements that contribute to the process of learning foreign languages.


  • To establish an interdisciplinary dialogue involving professors and experts from different fields, such as, computing, linguistics and professional foreign language teaching;
  • To introduce known articles that reflect the most recent work done in the processing of the latin languages and to contribute to the enrichment of the state of the art in this scientific field;
  • To share ideas and methodologies, and also to spread good interaction practices, in order to promote further research and studies in this field;
  • To promote collaboration and interdisciplinary cooperation between researchers and institutions in order to outline the common objectives and strategies as a mode of overcoming various challenges in the area of automatic language processing for Romance languages;
  • To address, in terms of future perspectives, the questions regarding the relationship with the new technologies and the teaching of Romance languages.


  • To create an interdisciplinary space to present the latest technological developments of language and second language acquisition;
  • To set up the foundation for a network of researchers to develop interinstitutional and interdisciplinary cooperation projects which involve new technologies and teaching of Romance languages;
  • To provide researchers and students with more opportunities for dialogue and development of tools (tools, applications and resources) in the area of automatic computing applied to languages teaching.

Topics of interest

  • Automatic translators - Machine Translator
  • CALLS - Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Gamification Languages
  • Correctors, Dictionaries, Parsers and Glossaries Automatization
  • Digital texts - oral and written media

Expected outcome

To create a space for discussion and presentation of studies related to automatic processing in the acquisition of the various Romance languages.

Invited speaker

Igor A. Lourenço da Silva

Assistant Professor

Undergraduate Program in Translation (ILEEL/UFU)

Graduate Program in Linguistics (PPGEL/ILEEL/UFU & POSLIN/FALE/UFMG)

Laboratory for Experimentation in Translation (LETRA/UFMG)




We look for submissions of :

work in progress or position papers around 2 to 4 pages (in English) + 2 pages for references

more substantial and completed research around 6 to 8 pages (in English) + 2 pages for reference



MS Word:

Submission until 4th of February 2020

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