Digital Learning Leader Portfolio Showcase

Welcome to sample portfolios created by Digital Learning Leaders.

This website is an extension of the Digital Learning Leader site at:

Teacher librarians are vital members of our school communities because we play a number of important roles in our work with students, colleagues, families, and administration. When teacher librarians harness our expertise and passion to work collaboratively with other faculty, to build relationships with students, and to create a culture of literacy, everybody wins. Increasingly, teacher librarians are also emerging as digital learning leaders. In this portfolio, I present coursework from my MLIS program, as well as evidence of my professional practice in school and public libraries, to demonstrate my ability to serve this important function in any institution. My portfolio includes a statement of educational philosophy, as well as examples of instructional units built on inquiry, project, and design thinking models. I also highlight my experience with supporting classroom teachers, managing a collection, conducting reader's advisory, performing outreach services, and planning programs.

A collection of materials I have created and collaborated on

By creating both curriculum and learning environments which support social-emotional growth and well-being, students grow as scholars, individuals, peers, and citizens. The learning plans contained in this DLL are holistic in nature, combining content knowledge, process skills, and social-emotional learning, thus supporting the entire child and allowing for optimal growth, development, and success.

Showcasing unit plans from INFO 250, work samples from INFO 200 and INFO 266, as well as curated inspiration and professional development resources for school librarians.

Digital Learning Leader site with target audience: elementary school parents

My whole portfolio for junior high and high school.

This portfolio will showcase some artifacts that demonstrate resources and content I have collaboratively or independently created. It also highlights a need for digital information literacy that is critical for students to be taught. This portfolio is intended for administrators and teachers and will help them understand what a Digital Learning Leader (DLL) is and how I as a DLL could improve a school.

Portfolio for Digital Learning Leader

This portfolio is a work in progress/still under construction! I hope it will be helpful to others who are working to be teacher librarians in the MLIS program.

Hi! I am MaryHarrison, a future teacher librarian from California.