
Welcome Venue


Prodromos Prodromou

Minister of Education, Culture, Sports and Youth of the Cyprus Republic

16.05 –16.10

Dr. Athena Michaelidou

Director of the Cyprus Peadagogical Institute

Session A

Moderated by Dr Zacharias Zacharia, Professor of Science Education and Director of the Research in Science and Technology Education Group at the University of Cyprus, Member of the Advisory Board for Digital Education

16.10 –16.30

Educators' Digital Competence

Anastasia Economou, Scientific Officer, Human Capital and Employment Unit, Joint Research Centre, European Commision


DigitalDecade4YOU(th) consultation and internet safety

Sabrina Vorbau, Project Manager at European Schoolnet in its Digital Citizenship Team, Belgium


The role of Media Literacy, Infromation Digital Citizenship in Education

Irene Andriopoulou, EKOME Head of Research, Studies & Educational Programs Department, Co-Secretary General of UNESCO MIL Alliance International Steering Committee



Break 17.25–17.35

Session B

Moderated by Dr Socrates Mylonas, Head of Information and Communication Technologies Unit of the Cyprus Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Youth, ICT General Secondary Education Inspector


ΑΙ School Readiness:what every school needs to realise the potential of AI for education

Laurie Forcier, Chief of Staff and Director Partnerships for EDUCATE Ventures | On Deck CoS Fellow |EdTech Startup Mentor, United Kingdom


Modern Virtual Reality Approaches in Education: Advantages and Challenges

Kalliopi-Evagelia Stavroullia, Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Department of Multimedia and Graphic Arts, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus


Pedagogical use of digital resources on European cultural heritage: the example of the Europeana Education initiative

Theodora Gkeniou, English language teacher, Europeana ambassador for EUN, eTwinning ambassador, CEDEFOP ambassador for early school leaving, and an IT pedagogical trainer, Greece




Closing Remarks