Welcome to 3DC

What is our DSC about?

We are a community group seeking to empower students in their journey in school. By joining our DSC, students will be able to build up their professional and personal skills, get access to Google developer resources, and work together to build solutions for local problems in a peer-to-peer learning environment.

Google collaborates with university students who are passionate about growing developer communities and supports them with starting student clubs on their campuses.

These DSCs provide students with the opportunity to:

  • Grow their knowledge on developer technologies and more through peer to peer workshops and events.
  • Gain relevant industry experience by solving problems for local organizations with technology based solutions.
  • Showcase their prototypes and solutions to their local community and industry leaders.

Google Developers supports and recognizes DSCs, but does not own or manage them.

Why join our DSC?

To level up your development skills, solve problems through technology and inspire people to create solutions for the community that is supported by Google Developers.

Target Audience

DSC activities are targeted at University students but not limited to those who want to learn more on IT development skills & interested to solve real-life problems using technology.