How To Hire an SEO Executive?

Whether you're recruiting an SEO expert or a digital marketer with some SEO knowledge, you should try to figure out their level of SEO experience early in the interview process. This is especially challenging if you're new to SEO.

Searching for SEO Resumes

I usually begin by reviewing the candidate's resume, as do most individuals. There are many different types of SEO jobs available, however, I often receive two types of resumes:

SEOs: People with a long history of SEO experience. When it comes to their work, SEO is their key focus.

Digital Marketers: Individuals who have worked on numerous SEO elements but are not solely responsible for SEO.

There is no superiority or inferiority between the two. It all depends on the greatest fit for the position you're looking to fill. I'll go into more detail about this later.

What to Look for in a Resume

When I'm hiring for an SEO role, I look for three things:

  • Undefined "SEO experience"

  • Overqualified candidates

  • Professional development that might be shown

What Questions should ask in an interview?

After you've gone over the resumes, make sure the interview process includes some specific, SEO-driven questions so you can learn more about your candidates. Of course, you'll need to know the answers, which I've also provided.

Anyone with SEO experience should be able to answer the following questions. Naturally, their responses will not be verbatim, but they should address the essential issues provided beneath each question.

SEO Interview Questions And Answers

  1. What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and how does it work?

The technique of getting website pages to rank higher in search engine results such as Google is known as search engine optimization (SEO). Because people get information online by searching on search engines, ranking better in search engines helps increase traffic to a website.

  1. What is the distinction between organic and paid search results?

Visitors who arrive at your website as a consequence of natural search results are referred to as organic traffic.

Paid search is a sort of search engine advertising in which website owners pay a fee to have their site appear at the top of the results page.

Continue Reading: 30 SEO Interview Questions with answers for better hiring for SEO executives.