Top Digital Marketing Agency in Delhi

Digital Marketing

SyManSys Technologies provides end-to-end digital marketing solutions to help clients gain brand awareness through digital media marketing that includes Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing, Lead Generation and Pay Per Click.

We connect people to brands – highly targeted prospects and customers – through latest marketing strategies as well as a range of techniques and tools for online marketing.

Simply put, SyManSys Technologies is a technology-for-marketing firm that communicates with the marketing departments of brands and entities to carry out a project. As one of the leading force in digital platforms, we leverage a fully skilled and experienced workforce for our clients in almost every aspect of technology innovation and development.

Creating bonds is a passion with most SyManSys-heads. The marketing techniques for our customers are an expression of our love for all things digital – expressed through error free content, attractive design, and out of the box social and search marketing ideas… bolstered of course by years of hands-on skill and cutting-edge tools expertise.

SyManSys Technologies could become your in-house team, situated just a click or tap away. That is how we bond, as your extension. It is not magic; it is just how we work.

Lead Generation

For online marketing, velocity and volume of the lead generation process decides the rate of lead conversion. Automated lead generation solutions can help you convert online leads into potential sales opportunities by providing crucial lead intelligence.

Leads are created for list building, e-newsletter list acquisition, developing reward programs, and loyalty programs for other acquisition programs.

The method of lead generation typically falls under the domain of advertising, but may also include organic or non-paid marketing sources. Businesses look to generate ‘quality leads’ to spread their reach and increase profit.

SyManSys Technologies Marketing Campaign’s lead generation services provide extraordinary marketing inputs for B2B marketers.

The process of lead generation is optimized using the lead business intelligence data, which is procured after tracking website traffic.

This important data offers deep insight into visitors buying behaviour and the various stages in their buying cycle. The lead generation services, provided by SyManSys Technologies, offer marketing and sales teams with lead data and ready-to-use lead analytics. This helps marketers to fill their lead pipeline with leads and speed-up the rate of sales conversion.

What We Offer:

Daily Leads Report: A thorough report of client’s activities sent directly to your inbox each morning.

Call List: Comprehensive data about a client’s company and potential decision-makers

Pipeline Alerts: Emails alerts that let you know whenever a lead crosses the lead score threshold.

Contact our team of experienced professionals through project-based workshops or via customized services to meet your specific demand from the lead generation services we offer. Expert sessions or seminars are also available to guide you through best practices to achieve the best results in revenue generation. Our approach is simple and we support our clients in every step they take.

Additionally, our team offers workshops, consulting packages and custom services to help with marketing and sales best practices, marketing alignment and technical integrations.

Pay Per Click

PPC (Pay Per Click) or paid search marketing is one of the fastest and most efficient ways to get your personal or company’s website to the top of search results when prospective clients are looking for the products and services that you offer.

Since you pay only when a potential customer clicks or taps through to your online product, it's easy to manage the ROI (return on investment) and control the budget and ROI for your online marketing campaign.

Why You Need PPC:

You would get visibility for the keywords, in the search results, which pertain to your products and services.

You do not pay for the PPC advertisement unless someone clicks or taps on it. However, your name is still associated with your keywords by the website alone.

You have total control of the budget. You can decrease or increase spending depending on your own campaign marketing strategy.

Overall, PPC campaigns are easy to analyze and monitor, with lots of room for experimentation.

You can expect immediate results with PPC campaigns.

Millions of prospective clients use the Internet each day. With the PPC services we provide, you have the opportunity to attract them to your website.

Our PPC team is managing PPC campaigns for international brands for quite some time now, with thorough, custom campaign strategies for a range businesses starting from Fortune 500 companies to small startups.

What We Offer:

  • Both Manual and Automated PPC Management

  • Strategy, Planning, Optimization, Design and Advertising Content

  • International Multilingual Campaigns

  • Integrated Campaigns combined with Search Engine and Social Media

  • Custom Reporting

  • Contact us if you want to kick-start a PPC campaign for your business, or if you want to audit your current PPC accounts.

Search Engine Optimization

"The objective is not to 'make your links appear natural'; the objective is that your links are natural."--Matt Cutts

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the tactical process of improving the visibility of a website on major search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing. Search is the biggest source of lead generation and requires hard work, skill, and experience to make it work.

Our team of talented search engine marketers uses the latest tools and best practices in the organic and paid marketing, ensuring that you get increased traffic to your website.

Our SEO Campaigns targets towards achieving the business objectives of websites through search engine optimization.

What We Offer:

Inclusive offsite and onsite search optimization, using white hat strategies to achieve higher ranking

Comprehensive integration with content and social media marketing strategies with regular recommendations

Consistent results in a long-term basis

Complete integration with Social and Content strategies along with regular recommendations

Customized solution for each customer, no one-size-fits-all technique

Exhaustive synthesis and analytics reports for better understanding and decision-making

What Drives The Search Engine Marketing:

Efficient Search Analysis is the engine that drives great search engine marketing (SEM) programs.

Search analytics—the study and analysis of search engine statistics and numbers—helps you know and enhance your performance on major search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing. It improves Return on Investment, or ROI, by tracking and analyzing your SEO, PPC, and social marketing campaigns using state-of-the-art analysis tools like Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, Piwik and other important analytics services.

What We Offer In Search Analytics:

  • Latest search volume development, trends and analysis

  • Advertising and search result history analysis

  • Reverse searching (researching and studying websites for keywords)

  • Website comparisons and keyword monitoring

  • Affiliate marketing and Multivariate ad testing

  • Start improving your online campaigns NOW!


D-414, 3rd Floor,

Ramphal Chowk, Main Road

Near - Vijaya Bank, Sector - 7, Dwarka

New Delhi - 110075, India

Phone: +91-8851-305-653

India Office: +91 11-4241-5144

Scotland Office: +44 9811-78492-29742

US Office: +1800-499-6860
