Facebook Advertising Agency Tampa, FL

Looking for a Facebook Advertising Agency in Tampa? Look no further than Viral Growth Media! We specialize in helping small businesses grow with the help of our high-quality ads and marketing strategies. Call us at 813-592-3559 to learn more!

Facebook Advertising

Facebook advertising is among the most cost-effective marketing methods available to your company. While Facebook has had advertising for a long time, many businesses still aren't utilizing them. If they're using them at all, they're not doing it right. As a consequence, there's a lot of potentials to advertise your business and get amazing results.

There are currently over 200 million active Facebook users in the United States, and there are over 2 billion active users worldwide. That's a lot of potential consumers! Not only is Facebook a huge marketing platform, but it's also a significant portion of people's attention on a daily basis.

Facebook allows you to customize your targeting down to the finest details, such as age, gender, marital status, income, home type, hobbies, purchasing habits, and more. You may create a specific profile for your ideal customer that will be the only one targeted by your advertisements.

What we do is assist you in defining the target audience and then running advertisements that elicit replies from your consumers. We establish correct tracking so that we may utilize the data to enhance our ads over time, resulting in higher profits for each ad dollar invested.

How Your Business Can Use Facebook Advertising

Increase Website Traffic: By advertising your website on Facebook, you can funnel traffic directly to it. This is done by including a link to your website in the ad, or by using Facebook's "click to website" function. When someone clicks on this button, they are taken to your website. You can also use Facebook's "Page Likes" function to get more likes for your company page.

Generate Sales Leads: One of the best ways to use Facebook advertising is to generate leads. You can do this by creating an offer that requires people to provide their contact information before they can redeem it. This could be a free consultation, a discount for signing up for your email list, or anything else you can think of. Once you have someone's contact information, you can market to them over and over again!

Increase Brand Awareness: Facebook advertising is a great way to increase brand awareness. You can do this by creating ads that are interesting and creative, and by targeting a large audience. When people see your ad often enough, they'll start to recognize your company and its products. This is an important step in getting people to buy from you!

In short, Facebook advertising can be used for a variety of purposes, including generating website traffic, leads, and brand awareness. If you're not using it already, now is the time to start! Contact Viral Growth Media at 813-592-3559 to get started today.

Our Process


The first step is to learn about your business and what you're looking to achieve with Facebook advertising. We'll ask you a lot of questions so that we can get a clear understanding of your goals.


Once we know what you're looking for, we'll do our own research to see what's possible. We'll look at your competitors, your target audience, and the overall market landscape. This will help us come up with a plan that will achieve your desired results.


After we've done our research, we'll create a plan of action. This will involve coming up with creative ideas, developing targeted ad campaigns, and establishing a budget.


Once the plan is in place, it's time to execute! We'll create the ad campaigns, monitor their progress, and make changes as necessary.


After the campaigns have run their course, we'll analyze the data to see what worked and what didn't. This will help us fine-tune our approach so that we can get even better results next time around!

If you're ready to take your business to the next level with Facebook advertising, contact Viral Growth Media at 813-592-3559 today! We'll be happy to answer any questions you may have.