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ポスドク・RA (研究支援者・技術補佐員)

学際的かつ国際的なデジタル脳科学ラボでは、応用脳科学(企業や脳科学実験などの現場の実データでの実験方法・実験演習・統計・報告レポート作成・学会発表など)を経験し、将来に繋げたいという高いモチベーションとスキルを持つ方の学生や卒業生・研究員など応募を短期〜長期それぞれ受け入れています。業務内容は脳情報(主に脳波やMRIを用いています)、情報工学、XR開発(VR/AR)心理実験実習(本実験)、心理統計、データマイニング、プログラミング(Matlab, Python, Unity, C#, LSL (Lab-streaming Layer) など)、脳データ解析、レポート作成、ハードウェア&ソフトウェア開発、Webページ管理、実験室メンテナンスなど当人のスキルと興味などにできるだけ合わせるようにしています。実績が伴えば論文執筆 (掲載)の機会もあります。
(締切に関係なく)ご興味のある方はCVを添付のうえ、町澤 (m.machizawa atmarkまでご連絡ください。

PostDoc/RA Opportunities

At the multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural Digital CogNeuro Lab, we welcome highly motivated individuals at all stages with skills in varieties of fields, providing a hands-on opportunity for applied cognitive neurosciences (Research Methods and Practicum on real data). Duties include data preparation, programming, data analysis, summarizing the report, hardware and software development, Webpage maintenance, laboratory maintenance, Programming (Matlab/Python/Unity/C#/LSL (Lab-streaming Layer), etc. Previous staffs/students had a range of background from psychology to biotechnology from varieties of cultural and ethical backgrounds.  If proficiency permits,  there  is an opportunity to write (and publish) a paper as well.
  Our expertises range widely and staffs and students with varieties of specialities/majors including: Cognitive Neuroscience, (Clinical) Psychology, Rehabilitation Medicine, Pediatric Medicine, Electrical Engineering, Information Engineering, Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science, Bioinformatics, and Liberal Arts. As we are also quite international and multi-cultural, English is our common language to work together. In addition to Japanese nationals, our staffs are from USA, India, Indonesia, Thai, China, New Zealand, Brazil, Vietnam, Nepal, Malawi, Myanmar etc (listed by the Japanese pronunciation order).

Call for Postdoctoral Researcher and RA in the past: (regardless of noted deadlines) if interested, please contact Maro (m.machizawa atmark in person with your CV for open positions.

How is like to do internship at the DCN lab.
An interview by Naomi Moore at Temple University Japan