Laboratorium Digitālis Cognitivus Neuroscientia

Neuroscience Lab
at Tokyo Medical and Dental University CBIR

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デジタル脳科学ラボは町澤まろを代表とする東京医科歯科大学(*) 脳統合機能研究センターのサテライトラボです。また、JSTセンターオブイノベーション事業の成果として創出された広島大学発スタートアップである株式会社Xiberlincと密接かつサステナブルな関係性を維持し、基礎〜応用研究と社会実装を社会ニーズに基づいて実践している研究室です。私たちは”感性”をヒトの感情や認知能力などを統合した精神心理表象と捉えて、心理学認知神経科学の幅広いトピックを対象に学際的な研究をしています。神経科学研究のために必要な様々な設備を揃え、アカデミック研究はもとより産学連嶺での共同研究が可能です。

The Digital Cognitive Neuroscience lab (DCN lab) led by Maro Machizawa, PhD is a satellite laboratory affiliated to the Center for Brain Integration Research at the Tokyo Medical and Dental University(*). The laboratory has established a close and sustainable partnership with Xiberlinc Inc., a start-up company that originated from the JST Centre of Innovation project at the Hiroshima University. The laboratory conducts research ranging from fundamental to applied, with a focus on addressing social needs and implementing socially beneficial outcomes. We interdisciplinarily study a broad range of topics in psychology and cognitive neuroscience, such as human affective and cognitive aptitudes as a form of integrated mental representations, so-called KANSEI. The BMK Center in Hiroshima is well-equipped with its full-spec neuroimaging facilities (including an MRI, multiple research-graded EEGs, TMS, etc...) with rich collaboration opportunities with academics and industry.
*Institute of Science Tokyo will be established on Oct 1st, 2024, following the merger between Tokyo Medical and Dental University and Tokyo Institute of Technolocy

About the DCN lab


Our primary role is to conduct cutting-edge research in Applied Cognitive Neuroscience and to facilitate collaborations between academia and industry. We aim to validate and apply advanced neuroscientific knowledge and techniques as a form of digital means, with a challenging mindset for real-world applications. Our work involves developing both hardware and software through collaborations with researchers and companies in the capital areas and around the world. Our research bridges interdisciplinary communities, including clinical and developmental cognitive neuroscience, psychiatry, pediatrics, neurology, and informatics and systems engineering.