Micro-Teaching Introduction
Microteaching introduces the teacher trainee to a wide range of teaching skills and allows the teacher trainee to practice each skill one at a time until he or she becomes proficient in the skill. Later on, the teacher trainee will be able to link many such skills to achieve the desirable outcome. This module is discussed in detail in the concept of microteaching. Particularly this video deals about the microteaching cycle, definition and its uses.
Skill of Explaining
Microteaching technique rests upon the analytical approach to teaching. Analytical approach assumes that the complex task of teaching can be analysed into limited, but well defined components called 'teaching skills'. Each of these teaching skills can be taught, practiced, evaluated, predicted, controlled and understood. This module is discussed in detail in the concept of teaching skill. Particularly this video deals about the skill of explaining and its components.
Skill of Stimulus Variation
Teaching skills have been defined differently by different authors. The teaching skill is specific instructional activities and procedures that a teacher may use in his classroom. This video is discussed in detail about skill of stimulus variation. Particularly this module deals about the skill of explaining and its components. The skill of stimulus variation can be defined as deliberate change in the attention drawing behaviours of the teacher in order to secure and sustain pupil's attention towards the lesson.
Skill of Probing Questions
Questioning skill is an important skill to be developed by any teacher. It is all the more important for all teacher as questioning stimulates the thinking of the students and gets the concepts clarified and hence has significant contribution to teaching and learning for all subjects. This video is discussed in detail about skill of probing questions and its components.
Skill of Reinforcement
Reinforcement is strengthening the connection between a stimulus and a response. This module is discussed in detail about skill of reinforcement. The skills of reinforcement involve the teacher to use more and more positive reinforcement and to decrease the use of negative reinforcement so that the pupils' participation is maximized.
Skill of Using Black Board
Blackboard is an important visual aid used by teachers for effective teaching. A teacher makes extensive use of blackboard in his or her daily classroom teaching for working our problems, deriving formulae, proving theorems, drawing figures, constructing geometrical figures and so on. This module is discussed in detail about skill of blackboard writing and its components.