Cyberbullying: Crossing the Line

Essential Questions aognaefgaep'fgjaepfgeprmer

2. Discussion Questions:

  • When does teasing “cross the line” and become harmful? What are some signs, and what does it feel like to be in that situation?
  • What does it feel like when a teasing situation “crosses the line” from harmless to harmful?
  • What are some different forms of cyberbullying?
  • What advice would you give to someone who feels cyberbullied?
  • What might prevents a bystander from taking action? What advice would you give someone to convince them to be upstanding?

3. Cyberbullying or Not?

Talk with a partner one question at a time, then discuss as a class.

4. Debrief Question (might be best to have students write this down):

What will I do if I'm feeling cyberbullied or if I think someone else is?