Author Guideline

The 17th IEEE eScience Conference will be held online on September 20 – 23, 2021.

DiFoSeP brings together leading interdisciplinary research communities, developers, and users of eScience applications and enabling IT technologies. The objective of the eScience Conference is to promote and encourage all aspects of eScience and its associated technologies, applications, algorithms, and tools with a strong focus on practical solutions and open challenges. eScience 2021 interprets eScience broadly as enabling and driving innovation in data- and compute-intensive research across all domains ranging from traditional areas in the physical and earth sciences to emerging disciplines such as the social sciences, arts and humanities, and artificial intelligence for a wide variety of target architectures including HPC, cloud, and IoT infrastructures.

Science in all domains is becoming increasingly digital – from capturing and analyzing data in large scale experiments and simulations to the exploitation of machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques. However, many researchers face significant challenges in developing and using e-Infrastructures and associated software and workflows for their problems. Interdisciplinary approaches, combining numerical methods, computer science, and domain science, are needed to tackle these challenges. eScience 2021 provides a forum for researchers and engineers across scientific domains to meet and discuss their challenges and latest developments. Domains include, but are not limited to, life sciences, health research, digital humanities, and social sciences, engineering, physics, chemistry, astronomy, climate science, environmental science, and earth science. The conference targets, but is not limited to, the innovative application of digital technologies to research problems, the development of application software, tools, and libraries that enhance the efficiency and capabilities in the scientific process; and the development of e-Infrastructures providing the required hardware capacities and capabilities.

This year, the conference is soliciting three types of contributions:

  • Full papers (8 - 10 pages, IEEE format) presenting previously unpublished research achievements or eScience experiences and solutions

All submissions will be peer reviewed; selected abstracts and full papers will receive a slot for an oral presentation. Posters will be presented during a poster reception. Full papers and poster papers will be published in the conference proceedings through the IEEE Digital Library.

All full papers are single-blind peer reviewed and, if accepted, published in the conference proceedings that will be made available online through the IEEE Digital Library. It is a requirement that at least one author of each accepted paper, abstract or poster attends the conference.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, eScience is planned as a fully virtual, worldwide online conference. The safety and well-being of our attendees and volunteers is of the upmost importance to us. Accepted papers and posters will be published in the conference proceedings and will be made available through the IEEE digital library.

Paper Submission Guidelines

Authors are invited to submit conference papers (8-10 pages) for an oral presentation using the IEEE 8.5×11 manuscript guidelines: double-column text using single-spaced 10-point font on 8.5×11-inch pages. Templates are available from

Contributions should be submitted in PDF format to easychair: ​


to be announced