Virtual Workshop: How it works


This year DiffGeo4DL is going virtual due to the COVID-19 pandemic. To fully exploit the virtual format, we’ve invited the authors of all accepted papers to record a video. There will be four types of talks:

  • Invited talks: 25 minute pre-recorded presentation + 5 minute live Q&A. See the schedule for the list of invited talks.

  • Contributed talks: 6 minute pre-recorded presentation.

  • Focused Breakout Sessions: 45 minute live session addressing key implementation in select problem domains. There will be an accompanying IPython notebook tutorial.

  • Poster presentation: 3 minute pre-recorded presentation. Not streamed.

Virtual Interactions

Virtual Poster Sessions: We will be using to create a live poster session. All poster presentations, in addition to having a 5 minute video, are required to present there posters virtually in one of the two respective timeslots.

Live Questions: We will use Slido to solicit live questions for both the invited and contributed talks. Links to ask questions will be made available closer to the actual workshop date.

Offline Communication: In order to enable offline communication, we will invite all speakers and workshop participants to join a Slack workspace. There will be an #offline_q_a channel where participants can ask questions (instead of going to the Zoom room); a session chair will be monitoring this channel during the live Q&A. There will be a unique channel for each accepted paper. Participants of the workshop are encouraged to interact offline with the authors.


Coming Soon!