Anna Kiesenhofer

MA C1 647

Assistant: Yang Liu,

Office hours: Contact Yang Liu to set up a meeting.

Information for the exam

You can bring a single handwritten one-sided sheet of paper with any notes you like to the exam.

Review session: Monday, January 13, 3pm, CM 0 12


Exercise sheet 1 due Oct. 8

Exercise sheet 2 due Oct. 8

Exercise sheet 3 due Oct. 15

Exercise sheet 4 due Oct. 22; only Ex. 2 to be handed in

Exercise sheet 5 due Oct. 29

Exercise sheet 6 due Nov. 5

Exercise sheet 7 due Nov. 12

Exercise sheet 8 due Nov. 19

Exercise sheet 9 due Nov. 26; don't do Ex. 2 & 5 (we didn't have time to cover the material in the course)

Exercise sheet 10 due Dec. 3

Exercise sheet 11 due Dec. 10

Exercise sheet 12 due Dec. 17

Exercise sheet 13 (if you still need a bonus point you can send your solution to Yang by email or drop by his office to hand it in, either of this till Jan. 14)

Solutions to the Exercises

(by Yang Liu)