For The Good Life

Lose Weight and Boost Metabolism Naturally

Flat Belly Tea

This comforting and delicious morning tea blend has been infused with high-quality, organic, and vegan ingredients to support a healthy weight.

Because the natural ingredients in our tea also support a healthy inflammation response in the body, it's the perfect addition to your daily routine to nourish the body and encourage overall wellbeing.

Just add 1 scoop to warm water and enjoy a delicious start to a beautiful day.

Sleep Slim Tea

A good night's sleep is something you can't buy. However, according to the CDC, more than a third of Americans do not receive the recommended amount of sleep each night to stay healthy and maintain a healthy weight. Purelife Organics was confident that it could assist people who had trouble falling asleep and staying asleep all night.

The new done-for-you Sleep Slim Tea formula is more delicious, more convenient, works better than ever, and is packed with the exact super-spices and ingredients you need for the kind of deep sleep that results in top-speed fat-burning. And the terrifically satisfying taste wraps up your day with a delicious treat! You can have the kind of restful sleep that enables you to wake up feeling relaxed, supports a healthy body, and aids in achieving your target weight.


Weight Loss Offer

LeanBiome's unique and proprietary formula is the first in the world to combine nine clinically-researched 'lean bacteria' species with Greenselect Phytosome, a next-generation and caffeine-free green tea extract formulated with patented, absorption-boosting Phytosome technology.

Together, this advanced ingredient blend helps to quickly reverse the bacterial imbalance in your gut microbiome – the newly-discovered root cause of belly fat and unexplained weight gain.

Tea Burn

Tea Burn is a potent and robust combination of immune-boosting vitamins that will help you stay strong, active, and healthy while also aiding in weight loss.

Electrifying your metabolism…

Torching off fat from your problem areas…

Enjoying incredible all-day energy…

Reducing hunger...

And improving your health…

Could not be any simpler, easier, or more automatic.

Just enjoy your favorite tea with an instantly dissolvable, tasteless packet of Tea Burn…

Java Burn

The world’s first and only natural proprietary, patent-pending formula, that when combined with coffee, can increase both the speed and efficiency of metabolism, while instantly boosting your health, energy, and well-being at the same time.

There’s never been anything even close to Java Burn ever attempted.

Java Burn is 100% all-natural...




It has no added fillers, preservatives, artificial colors or stimulants of any kind.