Published Papers

Drugs on the Web, Crime in the Streets

The Impact of Shutdowns of Dark Net marketplaces on Street Crime

Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (2022),  202, 274-306.

Winner of the Conniffe prize for the best paper by a young economist, Irish Economic Association Annual Conference 2021

[Article ][Working Paper Version

[Media Coverage] [LSE Business Review]

The Pot Rush: Is Legalized Marijuana a Positive Local Amenity?

Economic Inquiry (2020), 58(2), 667-679 

Joint with Steven Stillman (Free University of Bolzano)

[Article] [ Working Paper Version]

[Media Coverage] [CATO Research Briefs][Weedmaps][IDW (in German)]

                                    [ (in German) ]

Working Papers

Political Campaigning and Racial Discrimination in Arrests for Drugs

Joint with Francesco Barilari (Tor Vergata, University of Rome)

[Working Paper ]

[Status] Submitted to a journal

[Media Coverage] [Promarket]

Sanction-Busting Through Tax Havens

Joint with Kerim Can Kavakli (Bocconi University) and Giovanna Marcolongo (Bocconi University)

[Working Paper


Incorporation of offshore shell companies as an indicator of corruption risk in the extractive industries

Joint with Giovanna Marcolongo (Bocconi)

[Working Paper

[Status] R&R at Energy Economics

Work in progress

Dangerous Journeys 

Border Control, Migration Routes and Deaths in the Mediterranean

Joint with Emanuele Albarosa (IOM)

[Status] R&R at Journal of Economic Geography

Spatial Inequality in Unsolved Crimes

Joint with Nils Braakmann (Newcastle University) and Bahadir Dursun (Newcastle University)

[Status] R&R at  Journal of Regional Science

Guns, Germs, and Murders

Joint with Silvia Pedersoli (Stanford) and Paolo Pinotti (Bocconi University)

[Status] To be presented at the The Economics of Firearm Markets, Crime, and Gun Violence, NBER Spring 2024 meeting

Youth Courts and Recidivism

Joint with Nils Braakmann (Newcastle University) and Bahadir Dursun (Newcastle University)

[Status] Writing Final Draft

Shedding Light on Shadows: The Consequences of Publicising Gang Territories for Crime Dynamics in London

Joint with Nils Braakmann (Newcastle University) 

[Status] Writing Final Draft

The death of the “High Street”? Main street closures, social disorder and urban change

Joint with Nils Braakmann (Newcastle University) 

[Status] Writing Final Draft

Populism, Federalism and Tax Evasion

Joint with Francesco Barilari (Tor Vergata, University of Rome), Francesca Calamunci (University La Sapienza of Rome), Federico Fabio Frattini (Fondazione Enrico Mattei)

[Status] Writing First Draft