Also a long requested feature is to clip images from epubs just like it is possible to do from PDFs.

(Converting epubs to pdfs seems like a weak detour and creates a lot of data redundancy and requires a computer.)

I do understand your point. I bought MarginNote for the reason that it supports various document types (incl. epub, as advertised) and allows to combine and organize excerpts in one space. Some books, even in the academic world, have become only available in epub format, besides a print version. Especially in the realm of psychology.

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I too originally came to MarginNote due to its epub support, but ran into similar limitations, so have started converting all my epubs to PDFs before using them with MarginNote. Thare are a bunch of online epub-to-PDF converters. I tested about five of them and settled on EPUB to PDF | Convert EPUB to PDF Online - 100% Free because I like its formatting best. You can easily use these online converters from iOS alone, no need to go to a desktop computer for that.

This study asks people with Down syndrome (DS), ages 12 and older, about their self-perception so that their information could be shared with new and expectant parents of children with DS. We analyzed valid and reliable survey instruments from 284 people with DS on the mailing lists of 6 non-profit DS organizations around the country. Among those surveyed, nearly 99% of people with DS indicated that they were happy with their lives, 97% liked who they are, and 96% liked how they look. Nearly 99% people with DS expressed love for their families, and 97% liked their brothers and sisters. While 86% of people with DS felt they could make friends easily, those with difficulties mostly had isolating living situations. A small percentage expressed sadness about their life. In our qualitative analysis, people with DS encouraged parents to love their babies with DS, mentioning that their own lives were good. They further encouraged healthcare professionals to value them, emphasizing that they share similar hopes and dreams as people without DS. Overall, the overwhelming majority of people with DS surveyed indicate they live happy and fulfilling lives.

So, rather than declare that your church is teaching false doctrine, I believe what you should do is try to get those you are close to to emphasize love for God as the principle motive for people to be saved. You should do what our lead evangelist does here in San Diego. For any conversion you have any input into, you should insist that the one being studied with consider the quality of their love for God and the importance of that in their conversion.

A side note. You say that people are either motivated by love for God or by fear of hell. I believe that this is an over simplification. There are a number of other motives. I would add the motive of wanting to do the right thing. I would add the motive of wanting to obey Jesus as Lord, because one has decided that Jesus is, in fact, Lord. None of us is entirely motivated by any one of these, but for some one weighs more strongly than for others. My suggestion is that when we do a check-list, we ask people about lordship, about repentance and about love. Many of us already do this, but more of us need to put more emphasis on love, It is hard to measure love, but it should not be ignored.

My last point. I promise. You bring up the possibility that some of those in your movement who think they are saved might not be because when they were baptized they did not love God sufficiently to be saved. I will not deny that this might be a possibility. Such cases should be taken on an individual basis. What I would say is this. If a person has truly repented and has truly made Jesus the Lord of their lives and then been baptized, it is hard for me to believe that such a person will not be saved because they theoretically did not love God sufficiently. To me, true, biblical repentance includes repenting of not loving God and true biblical discipleship means following Jesus, and therefore loving God and one another as Jesus loved us. If I am right, one cannot repent and be a disciple of Jesus without loving God. If I am right, then our thinking of who is saved will not need to change all that much, even if we begin to do what we ought to do, which is to emphasize loving God for those who we are trying to convert.

They are a group of seven septuagenarian Chinese-Canadian men who never found love, and they call themselves the Old Ducks. Each member has his own quirks: Mr. Regret, an exquisite baker with sad eyes; the prickly Mr. Porcupine; the bespectacled Mr. Moon, and the quiet Mr. Sorrow. Mr. Durian loves the fruit he is named after; Mr. Dolphin has a memorable laugh, and Mr. Wolf will move mountains for his cats. With a little convincing, Sophie may have just found her first matchmaking clients.

Ever since I was able to download GoBooks' EPUB books, I am in love with digital Go books. It's just so much more practical and speedier to read in that format, specially due to the infinite scrolling, that I wish all my books were EPUBs now.

The idea of turning it into a video that could be automatically/easily posted to an account would be GOLD. In my sphere of contacts, people who use Bloom or would use Bloom (especially if it did this) are already FB users due to the above-mentioned promo type things. Lit & Culture Committees have their own fb pages long before they have their own website, and even if they do get their own website, they are unlikely to update it very frequently like they do to their fb page. Even if Bloom could only turn it into an mp4 file (or whatever video file format you can manage) and the user would upload it him/herself, that would be a great first step.

A massive collection of wonderous science fiction and fantasy stories from New York Times best-selling Mercedes Lackey. Includes Fiddler Fair and Werehunter for the first time in one volume.

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Running the gamut from her beloved Bardic fantasies to urban fantasy set in the modern world, from science fiction adventure to chilling horror, this is Mercedes Lackey at her best. Animal rights fanatics try to "liberate" genetically reconstructed dinosaurs. Lawrence of Arabia meets a power beyond human comprehension, and King Arthur is reborn into the present day when he again gains possession of the enchanted sword Excalibur.


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I got the announcement of this book in my email from Amazon this morning. Would love to see a review or something on Amazon as my major question was is the different from the FLOSS manual which I have already printed out. It sounds like it is, and as you say above, serves as more of a companion volume and less of a "software manual". e24fc04721

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