
Currently, I am working on these following projects:

Run-and-Tumble particle in harmonic well

We study the complex processes involving Run-and-Tumble dynamics in harmonic potential through Brownian dynamics (BD) simulations and intricate experiments employing optical tweezers (OTs). Investigating these dynamics provides intriguing insights about out-of-equilibrium phenomena.

Run-and-Tumble particle in 1D potential

We are investigating run-and-tumble dynamics in one dimensional potential, which can be realized by line optical tweezer (LoT) and attempting to understand the mechanism involving that. Optical tweezers (OTs) powered by Nd:YAG DPSS laser (1064 nm) is being rapidly moved at high frequency along a line using a tool such as galvanometer mirror or acousto-optic modulator (AOD) to realize line optical tweezer (LoT).

Experimental Techniques we use

Optical Tweezers

Optical tweezers used for microscopic manipulation .

Brightfield Microscopy

Brightfield microscopy along with advanced image processing and analysis