Technical Strength

Language: Python, SQL, Javascript, HTML, Java

Libraries: Tableau, Tensorflow, Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib, SQLParser

Database: Oracle, MySQL

Backend Framework: Laravel, Django

Frontend framework: React, Bootstrap

Tools: Git, CI/CD

IDE: VS code, Jupyter Notebook, Unity

Work experience

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Virginia Tech, USA

August 10, 2022, to present
I am working as a GTA at Virginia Tech CS department.Fall 22- CS2114Spring 23- CS 1114Summer 23- CS 2506Fall 23- CS 2505Spring 24- CS 2114

Software Engineer

REVE system, Bangladesh

March 1, 2021 - July 15, 2022
I worked on the Bangla Speech to Text Project(STT). I was assigned to the web version, corpus research, and web extension teams.


Openrefractory, Bangladesh

July 2019 - September 2019
I worked on a Java taint detection project where I was assigned to detect the taint trail in a sequence of Java libraries. I have underscored the blots in the project's required format.