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Email: mdibyendu07@gmail.com / mdibyendu@iiti.ac.in
Address: Room AH, 4th Floor, POD 1A, Department of Mathematics, IIT Indore, Simrol, Khandwa Road, Indore, 453552, Madhya Pradesh, India.
Currently, I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics at the Indian Institute of Technology Indore.
I was an NBHM Postdoctoral Fellow in the Statistics and Mathematics Unit at the Indian Statistical Institute Kolkata. I completed my Ph.D. in the Department of Mathematics at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, under the supervision of Prof. Rajendra V. Gurjar and Prof. Saurav Bhaumik.
My primary research interests focus on Commutative Algebra. I am particularly interested in the factorization properties of commutative rings, the minimal number of generators of modules, and the properties of derivation modules over commutative rings. I am also engaged in various questions related to Affine Algebraic Geometry.
Academic Qualifications :
Bachelor of Science (Mathematics), Jadavpur University, 2010-2013.
Master of Science (Mathematics), Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, 2013-2015.
Publications / Preprints :
Classes of simple derivations on polynomial rings k[x_1,...x_n] (with Sumit Chandra Mishra and Pankaj Shukla), Preprint.
Characterization and Non-cancellation property of Danielewski type varieties (with Parnashree Ghosh), Preprint.
Bounds on the minimal number of generators of the dual module, to appear in the Journal of Algebra and its Applications (with Ankit Mishra).
Divisor closed and quasi-divisor closed extensions, Communications in Algebra, Volume 49, 2021, 8, 3477-3489.
Some results about complete and analytic local rings, Journal of pure and Applied Algebra, 2020, 224, 106276 (with Sagnik Chakraborty and Rajendra V. Gurjar).
Quasi-factorially closed subrings of commutative subrings, Journal of Algebra, 2019, 534, 190-206 (with Sagnik Chakraborty and Rajendra V. Gurjar).
Teaching :
Algebra II, M.Sc., IIT Indore, Autumn 2024.
Calculus I, B.Tech., IIT Indore, Autumn 2024. (Shared Course)
Commutative Algebra, M.Sc., IIT Indore, Spring 2025.
Talks and Presentations :
Factorially and quasi-factorially closed subrings of commutative rings (Poster presentation), National Conference on Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry, IISER Bhopal. [June, 2019]
Embeddings of a complete local ring (Poster presentation), Second International Meeting in Commutative Algebra and Related Areas (SIMCARA), ICMC-USP, Sao Carlos, Brazil. [July 2019]
Finiteness of integral closure of complete local rings, The Twentyfirst Colloquiumfest, in honour of the 60th birthday of Steven Dale Cutkosky, Federal Univer- sity of Sao Carlos, Sao Carlos, Brazil. [July 2019]
Finiteness of integral closure in complete local rings, Conference on Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry, IIT Hyderabad. [February 2023]