Call for papers

The goal of the workshop is to offer a venue for scholars interested in typology and historical linguistics to develop a new diachronically oriented approach to the study of anticausative markers (AMs). The workshop will be held at the University of Turin on the 9th November 2023.

We welcome contribution addressing (among others) the following topics:

Important dates

Submission guidelines 

Abstracts should be maximum 1 page long (+ 1 page for data and references), and should be submitted by email to 

Scientific and organizing committe

Bert Cornillie (KU Leuven), Lorenzo Ferrarotti (UniBg), Eugenio Goria (UniTo), Guglielmo Inglese (UniTo), Giulia Mazzola (KU Leuven), Davide Ricca (UniTo), Mario Squartini (UniTo), Jean-Christope Verstraete (KU Leuven)