Scientology Dianetik

Things about Scientology Deutschland Hamburg

Extremely, there is nothing else company on Planet that can reduce these down. Factually there is no various other know-how on Earth that can plumb the issues of Male. So if we don't desire everyone to be resting among the charred ashes, we had much better get busy. [LRH, The Eighteenth A (Scientology Deutschland Religion).C.C.] And also: We are the very first group on planet that knew what they were discussing.


The world's ours. Own it. [LRH, The World is Ours] As well as: Auditors have since the first session of Scientology been the only people on this world in this world capable of releasing Male. [LRH, Auditors] Scientology is offered to followers in international terms as "The Road to Overall Flexibility" and also as "The Only Expect Humanity." The objective of every Scientologist is nothing less than to "Clear the earth," to ensure the redemption of every person on earth with the achievement of the Scientology state of "Clear." We're playing for blood, the stake is Planet.


[LRH, Field Auditors] And: Now, without more discourse, allow's fume. Scientology Berühmte Mitglieder Deutschland. This is Scientology-- the freedom for Guy. Let it be known. [LRH, The Public Divisions] And: Scientology-- The Road Indicator Out. We are the Free People. We LIVE! We're FREE! [LRH, We Are the Free Individuals] And: There is no higher game in deep space than Scientology, for it is the only game in which everybody wins.


Unknown Facts About Scientology Mitglieder Deutschland Prominente

Ron Hubbard Prior to the start was a Reason and also the whole objective of the Reason was the production of effect. The 2nd action of beingness is to expand from the viewpoint, points to see, which are dimension factors.


And also the purpose of a measurement factor is space as well as a point of view. The action of a dimension point is getting to and also withdrawing. Hence brand-new measurement factors are made.


As well as thus there is life ... [There are thirty Aspects in all.] Humbly tendered as a present to man by L. Scientology Deutschland Facebook. Ron Hubbard April 23, 1953 The Creed of Scientology We of the Church think: That all males of whatever race, shade or creed were created with equal rights. That all guys have natural civil liberties to their very own spiritual techniques as well as their efficiency.


The Basic Principles Of Scientology Betriebe Deutschland

That all males have natural rights to conceive, choose, aid and also sustain their very own companies, churches and governments. That all males have inalienable civil liberties to assume freely, to talk freely, to compose openly their own opinions and to respond to or utter or write upon the point of views of others.


That the souls of males have the rights of males. That the research of the mind and the recovery of psychologically caused sickness must not be alienated from religious beliefs or excused in nonreligious areas. Which no firm less than God has the power to suspend or allot these legal rights, overtly or secretly.


That he is looking for to survive. That his survival depends upon himself and also upon his fellows, and his achievement of brotherhood with the World. [Etc.] Scientology Evaluated in the Light of Scriptural Christianity (from Those Interested New Cults, by William J. Scientology Deutschland Facebook. Petersen) How, then, can Scientology be examined by scriptural Christianity? First, its key assumption that man is essentially good is not scriptural.


Scientology Anerkennung Deutschland Things To Know Before You Buy

Second, Scientology's highest possible authority is not Jesus Christ or the Christian Scriptures but a science fiction author called L. Ron Hubbard. Third, to Scientology God is pointless.


Books are marketed, counseling sessions are pricey. Nothing is stated concerning the predicament of the bad, the ill, the homeless as well as oppressed. According to Time publication, one lady said, "It's the only church I've seen with a cashier's cubicle." Comparison that to biblical Christianity which provides redemption without cash and without cost.


Scientology: Although Hubbard and also a lot of his fans are theists, belief in God is not important to Scientology. Christianity: God is Trinity, Daddy, Boy and also Holy Spirit, 3 Individuals within the unity of the Godhead. Scientology: Christ has no vital or main area in the sect's mentors. Christianity: "God sent his Boy to be the Rescuer of the globe." Scientology: Man is generally great, however "engrams" (emotional hang-ups) avoid him from reaching his complete potential.


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Instead, she was expected to be what Scientologists like to call an "grown-up in a little body," looking after herself, by herself, and quelching the anxiety, grief as well as solitude that featured that - Scientology Celebrity Center Deutschland. She states the experience is like bending over your entire life, attempting to avoid striking a ceiling someone assures you exists - Scientology Celebrity Center Deutschland.


Gordon thinks that individuals transitioning out of Scientology do not just need a home, or a jobalthough they typically need that. They also need a support system, an area where individuals can place brand-new words to real emotions and experiences. Which's what the meetup today is everything about - Scientology Deutschland. As more people leave Scientology, even more people like Gordon are speaking up.


They also implicate the Sea Org an elite team of the faith's most dedicated participants of being a front for required labor and also surveillance, and also criticize the church for abusing families, requiring that parents disconnect from kids who oppose the religious beliefs. As these allegations have grown out of control, the church has actually held its ground, continuing to deny that the church has anything to do with required labor and also household splittings up.