Gremillion also helped develop a training session in Nepal, which, as luck would have it, she'll be in the country for this November. During the fall, Gremillion is studying comparative human rights in Chile, Jordan, and Nepal through the International Honors Program, a partner program of the Office of International Education.

The choice is an extension, in many ways, of her work at VOA. The program critically examines U.S. foreign policy and human rights abroad. Much of her work at VOA delved into the question of basic rights like water access in other countries. It's work she'd like to one day continue as a policy and legal expert.

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"This summer has really solidified for my vision of going to law school," Gremillion says. "I did this less with a job in mind, but it helped me define where I want to go in the future, particularly with human rights law. It's easy to get lost in all of the issues and details, but having a broader perspective clarified the importance of critical thinking skills."

At this point my concern was blocking in the masses with the right shape and temperature. Decided to use a limited palette to put the focus on textures; yellow ochre, burnt sienna, burnt umber and ivory black. Could have got away using the burnt umber instead of black but wanted to get those cold darks on the tie and vest.

When these protests and boycotts did not get the desired results, Diane Nash decided to organize a huge march, another form of protest, in Nashville to City Hall. Once at City Hall, they demanded to see the Mayor. When he finally appeared, they asked him if he thought it was right for businesses to not allow African-Americans in. The Mayor then admitted publicly that he agreed that segregation was unfair. Eventually, Nash along with other protests was successful. Later in 1960, Nashville became the first southern city to desegregate lunch counters.

Commencers, I wish you a sexy, dangerous, jazz-shaped immortality. I wish you the touch of the hand of the dead through the page; I wish you the will, the courage, to resurrect them via your attention. The guts to deconstruct the lies. I wish you a daisy chain of memorable kisses that link you back to your ancestors, and forward to those writers you can barely imagine. I wish you the power of the threshold, the page that, as Gregory Orr has written, is shaped like a doorframe that stands at the seam between disorder and order, death and life. I wish you solitude, yes, but also loneliness, the aching, fruitful kind. And somewhere up ahead all of us, all of your teachers, will be waiting for you.

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Sorry Anon I didn't catch the comment about the dough consistency earlier. The dough is a wet dough. After it finishes rising, and you are ready to turn it out onto the floured surface to shape, you may add a little more flour so it is easier to handle. I would try about a 1/4 cup at a time. The consistency of the dough will depend on your climate, elevation etc. One of the keys to making bread or rolls that are easy to handle is not adding too much flour before rolling out or shaping! How did it turn out?

I have to disagree with you, at least about this recipe. It is light and the perfect density for bread. You are correct that many recipes need kneading and different techniques, but this one has turned out with just the right density each and every time and I am not a baker.

Be very precise with temperatures and measures. Mix the yeast into the 1/2 cup of water when water is between 110-115 degrees, warm. For the 2 cups of water, make sure it is right at or just below 130 degrees, this will feel hot to you but not scorching. Too hot and you will kill the yeast.

A delicious and pretty easy recipe for warm, fresh baked bread. I really appreciated the extra notes since I have a stand mixer and a convection oven. I used exactly the amounts of AP flour and bread flour and the dough was very sticky and amorphous. Can you please add more content with the description of the expected dough consistency (and photos)? I was careful not to add more flour but the dough spread out quite a bit and I could not get slashes to save my life (they kept pulling on the dough even though I floured the knife.) All told though, the family loved it for shelter-in-place baking and hey, marscapone on top of warm fresh bread rocks, right?

I love this recipe! The texture of the bread is perfect! You are absolutely right about it making wonderful French Toast! We usually one loaf with dinner and use the second loaf a few days later for breakfast!

This really is the best and easiest bread recipe! I make it often. The other day my husbands daughter said that she used it for making cinnamon rolls and they were amazing!! I made them right away and they were so yummy! I followed the instructions as written until it was time to make into 2 loaves. Instead i made them into 2 rectangles. Approx 10 x 15. Then spread 1/2 stick of butter on each, 1/2 cup of sugar and 3T of cinnamon. I rolled them and then sliced. I did the second rise and baked for approx 25 min. They were amazing and easy!


Each standard packet of yeast is about 2 1/4 teaspoons. Yes, you can freeze this dough. Follow directions for making dough and shape the dough, then before it rises for the last time on the baking sheet freeze. When ready to bake, take out of freezer at least 4 hours before baking. Lat thaw, rise and bake as directed. Hope this helps!


Hi Mickie,

I live at about 4800 ft. This recipe works as written for my elevation, and it should be fine for your elevation as well. You will probably have the best results when using bread flour, in place of the all purpose flour. I often use all bread flour. It takes less bread flour than all purpose flour. I start with 4 cups and then mix in the rest as needed. The dough should lose any wet appearance and have a matte finish when being mixed and then shaped. Hope this helps!


Just like another commenter, my dough was so wet it was like cake batter. Even after adding flour, I could not shape it as it kept spreading out. I measured all ingredients as stated. I will give it one more try, with less water (per your notes) I baked this in cake pans. There was no rolling this. It did taste good enough for my wife and I to devour one loaf.

One more question: how do one get the larger air pockets typical in French bread? Look at pic for Fabulous French Bread from Big Oven (Seem to have copied this recipe)

I will rate this bread when I re-try recipe (And kudos on your notes)

Hi Angela,

I have frozen this bread after baking and it does freeze well. The other option is to shape and freeze immediately after the first rise and shaping of the bread is complete, just as you suggested. The second option will be the most fresh!


Made this into dinner rolls for thanksgiving and they were literally the easiest and best dinner rolls ever. I use avocado oil, made 24 rolls, egg wash before baking and butter on top right out of the oven. So so good!

(A) Note the side bending of the vertebrosternal region of this thorax and the resultant position of the shoulder girdles (right one is depressed). My left and right hand are palpating the left and right fourth ribs in the mid-axillary line; they are clearly not on the same transverse plane. The fourth thoracic ring is translated to the left and rotated to the right. (B) Left head/neck/thorax rotation is limited to the left perhaps by the inability of the fourth thoracic ring to translate to the right and rotate to the left. Non-optimal biomechanics of the fourth thoracic ring are felt when she attempts to rotate further to the left and her neck pain is reproduced.

This, however, is not the whole story. For the late left-wing thinker Stuart Hall, the late Sixties and early Seventies were the true watersheds. It was then that the Black Power movement, the Gay Liberation Front, the civil rights movement in Northern Ireland, second wave feminist groups, and the anti-Vietnam war movement pushed their way into mainstream debate.

Each egg was cooked one at a time in a small non-stick skillet. The fat that was used to cook the eggs was a critical factor. When using butter, eggs had a tendency to become too brown on the sides. When using oil, the egg whites developed small bubbles which stayed in the whites and looked like blemishes. A thin spray of nonstick cooking spray was just right. The eggs were cooked over medium-low heat (as opposed to medium-high which is how I do it at home). The skillet was covered with a lid for about 30 seconds towards the end just to set the yolk.

As a student at Fisk University, Nash became the chairwoman of the Nashville Student Movement, training in nonviolent protest and helping to organize the Nashville lunch counter sit-ins that spread to 69 cities across the United States. She was a leader of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and went on to play integral roles in the 1961 Freedom Rides, the Birmingham desegregation campaign, and the Alabama voting rights campaign of 1965, which culminated in the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. 2351a5e196

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