Diana Kessler

I am currently a PhD student in the Laboratory for Compositional Systems and Methods at Tallinn University of Technology under the supervision of Amar Hadzihasanovic and Paweł Sobociński. My research interests are in the computational aspects of higher-dimensional diagram rewriting.


In 38th Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS) 2023.

To appear in 5th International Conference on Applied Category Theory (ACT) 2022.


ACT, 18.07.2022, Glasgow, joint talk with Amar Hadzihasanovic. Data structures for topologically sound higher-dimensional diagram rewriting - video.

CaCS, 23.09.2022, online talk. Data structures for topologically sound higher-dimensional diagram rewriting - slides.

SmP workshop, 25.06.2023, Boston. Higher-dimensional subdiagram matching - slides.

LiCS, 29.06.2023, Boston. Higher-dimensional subdiagram matching.

ACT, 01.08.2023, Maryland. Higher-dimensional subdiagram matching - slides.


Spring 2022 - I was a teaching assistant for the functional programming course ITI0212 Functional Programming.

Spring 2023 - I was a lecturer for the functional programming course ITI0212 Functional Programming.


Autumn 2021 - I was in charge for the Tallcat seminar series.

Spring 2022 - I was in charge of the group's informal reading seminar.

Contact details:



Room 327, Department of Software Science, Cybernetics Building
Tallinn University of Technology
Akadeemia tee 21/1, 12618 Tallinn, Estonia