Vernalization and seasonal responses in the forest


A perennial relative of Arabidopsis is wasabi, a species notorious for its preference for the cold and clean water streams of the Shizuoka and Ito mountains. Wasabi vernalization and seasonal response are understudied. 

Starting in 2016, we established a study on a natural population of wasabi from Ikawa forest in Shizuoka. It will help answer questions on how the length of response to past temperature (memory length) is set and on thermo-sensory elements in seasonal response.

A mountain cultivation system of wasabi from Ito prefecture, Japan. 

Genetics of Arabidopsis halleri gemmifera


Although seasonal responses are well documented for the Arabidopsis halleri gemmifera (reviewed in Kudoh 2016, New Phytologist, Buzas et al 2021 Frontiers in Plant Science), the actual role of any of major players in vernalization has not been substantiated genetically.

We have standardized this perennial for laboratory studies and we are creating and analyzing mutants in major vernalization components. 

 A system to enhance ferlitization and seed formation in Arabidopsis halleri gemmifera using CO2 treatments

The DNA and Chromatin of memory 


From the very first quantification of chromatin dynamics during vernalization (Finnegan and Dennis 2008, Current Biology), we learned that the array of over 60 nucleosomes of the FLC chromatin is organized into at least two domains, which together contribute to the stable memory of winter in Arabidopsis thaliana. A plethora of cis-acting elements decorate the FLC chromatin (reviewed in Buzas et al 2012, Buzas 2017).

We set to understand the distinct function of each of FLC chromatin domains, how they interact with each other and how any of these functions differ in annuals and perennials crucifers with different length of winter memory. 

Putative cis regulatory elements and chromatin domains in Arabidopsis thaliana