w e l c o m e !

Welcome to my Critical Genealogy Project for my Humanities at Work class. For this assignment, I've decided to focus on the adoption of my oldest sister, Maria. Not only do I want to record an accurate family history, but I also want to construct a genuine and unembellished narrative of my sister's origins. In order to do so, I have chosen the following 5 categories as outlined in the assignment overview: visual analysis, material analysis, oral history, information visualization, and textual analysis. Please see "The Portfolio" tab at the top of the page for each of these different sections. In order to familiarize yourself with the background of Maria's adoption, please see "The Story" tab at the top of the page.

project description

"Your final project portfolio may take one of two forms: material (in a binder, folder, or other physical portfolio) or digital (as a website, Timeline, StoryMap, or other digital format). In either case, you will build and craft your personal history from the series of components listed below. In many cases, you will have begun working toward these components previously in the semester: in those instances (visual analysis and oral history, for example), consider those earlier assignments drafts. As such, their appearance in this assignment should reflect considerable revision."

(Taken from "PROJECT: Genealogy," written by Professor Laura Williamson Ambrose on her HUST 220 Google Site)