Diablo View Middle School 

Parent Faculty Club

Join the PFC!

Attending PFC Meetings is a great way to get involved in your child's school and be on the forefront of what is going on. Parents and family members can get involved in different ways - volunteer for events, signup to coordinate a school-wide activity (like Astronomy Night) or become a PFC Board Member.

Examples of Activities and Programs sponsored by PFC funds

Career Day School Clubs

Assemblies Technology 

School Dances Astronomy Nights

Several Board positions are open for the 2024/2025 school year

Co-President Co-Treasurer

Co-Education Lead   Co-Communications


If you are interested in volunteering, email dvmspfcexec@gmail.com and we can help you select a committee or role - or even develop a position that fits with your interests and availability!

Bobcat Booster Fund

PFC funds pay for Assemblies, Career Day, technology upgrades, school clubs, and so much more! 

Donate today with our PayPal link here or by using the QR code below:



Click on the image below or scan the QR code to sign up for the 

DVMS PFC newsletter.
